Separate names with a comma.
I was also looking at Booyah for adding to my snowflake clowns since everyone says good things about them. But I think when I'm ready if they are...
If I remember Thrive right, don't they recommend dosing with their own products? I'm sure it'd be very useful and I did use their website for...
Dwarf Angel [img] I personally like coral beauty, flame and a rusty. but you could only probably need 1 or 2. [img]
I've made arrangements to go. It'll be just me. Chris
Anytime except for the 21st that'd be great. I also wouldn't mind like Dave said above, doing it on the 15th or the day after the Nebraska thing.
I've noticed that they put a lot of things together that maybe shouldn't. Most commonly different types of clowns I see in several tanks.
Thanks guys! I have -0- plumbing experience and I want to make sure I put together something that will last! Keep it coming! EDIT:...
So I'm beginning the workings on the plumbing setup for a 75gallon with a 40br sump. I've been seeing that two returns, instead of one, seem to be...
Flame angel or coral beauty. Those would be my votes.
Thank you. I didn't know about the APEX EB8's. Sounds like a very good investment to save up for!
I can definitely agree with all of the above and when my next round of parts are available I'll definitely put them up on the club portion first....
So I was poking around reefcentral, and as occasionally with reefcentral I got a little worried about what i'm using and wanted to know what you...
Is there a reason you don't paint it with regular paint instead of spray paint? Is it just the drying time that makes spray paint better?
Sorry to hear about your loss. I recently just lost a fish, I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a whole set up. Glad you're sticking...
The GFO should work but take time. The one thing I have learned is that there is never a quick fix.
Nick I would generally agree that there was some aggression but when we moved them to a bigger tank that went away as they each had their own...
Don't worry Chris, if you can't handle all the coupons that people will hand over to you, I will gladly help you carry the burden. [img]
@Lee, I've had that with a six line when i tried catching a crab but nothing's been moved in this one for awhile. As above, I think it was it's...
They were together for all the same time and were added together. It was a large enough tank that they didn't bother each other either.
So I came home today and one of my firefish was dead and the other one is in hiding (I hope). I can't seem to find a reason for why he died as...