Separate names with a comma.
Congrats!!! She looks good! Did you plan the c-section? Hope it all went ok and are getting some much needed rest [img]" align="absmiddle"...
Too far away for me........
I would take the chromis and maybe the blue devil if you live close enough...... let me know
Hopefully all the kinks will get worked out of this module.........thanks for working on it Bill!
So I guess Jeremy won?! I thought there'd be a big announcement; sort of a let down to the end of the contest [img] Is there only one winner?...
I like the Filter Guys-great customer service and prices.
The macro shots are always cool...........
Any updates? How many sellers will there be? What corals will be there? Can we rent half a table?
I'm fine with the original size as well
Sooooo, any new news about the frag swap? I'm wondering how many sellers will be there? Is there any sort of sign-up for selling or do sellers...
Just a micro star, good detritus cleaners and cute to boot [img]
I think he did mis-type about Friday, but at least in 2 other spots, it says the 19th is the last day to enter. Under the contest details it says...
I will order a few things, not a ton though, maybe $30 or so.....
I will be nice once things get going [img] It's a lot of work to just set up a tank, so congrats on getting this far! Will you get a skimmer for it?
Would I be able to make 2? I was down for one, but I'd like to make (and pay for of course) 2 if I could for Anna, who can't make the meeting.
I didn't get in on the last group buy for frozen oyster eggs/food, so I'm wondering if anyone has some they would want to sell? I'm in the CR/IC...
Good Lord, another Ryan! Welcome Ryan, #4, is it?!
I have a love/hate relationship with my urchin........he's a great algae eater, eats all day long over rocks etc. BUT, as you probably guessed,...
Just curious what people are feeding their LPS, specifically, frogspawn, and candy cane. Do you spot feed or just let food drift to it? If you...
I've had clowns "host" zoa colonies, a rock covered in mushrooms, a patch of pink cabbage leather.......... they will claim just about anything as...