Separate names with a comma.
tje22, what are you charging per drill...depending on what you cost, I have some small tanks that need drilled.... if your coming to Ames, I'd let...
I am leaving reefing for a while, not willing to part out at this moment, so just seeing if anyone wants it as a whole setup... here is the...
Sending pm!!!
Hey Trevor, sending pm
Hey I am trying to see if anyone is traveling to/or through Bloomington IN, heading to Ames (or surrounding area)... maybe they do this route...
Ok, I think LA does L strain, so I'm going to pass, I might take a look at a few under the scope if I can make my way down there... other wise I...
what strain? L or S?
pm sent
looks great, nice and healthy big boy...
no problem... post a pic!
all my large toadstools do that too.. you can cut or gently tear it as close to the base thats attached to the rock as possible... it will be...
I know it's not quite what your looking (tad smaller, and I am further than 100miles, I am in 50014) for but I'd kick myself for not telling...
What!!!! Tell me you're just upgrading!?!?!? What about all your breeding clowns in there? and your eel? and... and... everything!
are these clowns actually breeding, or are they just a bonded pair.... eggs or no?
Can we still jump down for a bit if we can't stay the whole time?
Cardinals are doing great! He was carrying a clutch, but swallowed, maybe I can catch him the next time around! [img] I do have my...
Dwarf Pygmy cherub (caribean cherub), Yellow tail damsel (trio, suspect they are a breeding trio), Serpent sea star (I know it's not a fish, but...
Yeah us too, we won't be able to come unless its the 26th either.
What kind of corals will this be demo'ing? anything on the harder end of fraging? duncans, acans, plate corals?
Marine land reef capable LED 48"-60" strip light...Must go after livestock as I do have corals in there...