Separate names with a comma.
[ATTACH] Spongodes ( Sorry for the shade. The breeder box is slightly shading it)[ATTACH] Mushrooms[ATTACH] Cotton Candy Pocillipora [ATTACH] ORA...
I've had some other things come up, but I don't want to get out of the hobby. I've decided to stick to mostly softies and a few LPS just to keep a...
I should've looked at the picture more closely. That is definitely what it is!
The Gulf has roughly 30 Eel species so that is a good possibility. Especially with the vast hypoxic zone there is a lot of die off. I would say...
Alright. That sucks to hear, but I'll just find a new home for it.
I added a clown goby a few weeks ago and it is wreaking havoc on my SPS frags. Do any of the local fish stores allow trade ins?
PM sent.
I trimmed my Chaeto last night. I have a 3 gallon bucket pretty full. Free for the pick up today.
I wish I had enough space for that! Unfortunately my tank isn't large enough for a piece that big. Otherwise I would jump on that.
I'm still looking. If anyone even has a nicely colored common piece I would consider it.
I haven't purchased anything yet. So I am still looking. I have a few in mind unless I can find something I like better. Since my tank is so small...
I just delivered the anemone to @Bronsonsfish . Thanks for the interest though!
I'm not particularly interested in Torches. Thanks for the offer though!
I just sent you a PM.
Once again I am looking for a Frogspawn or Hammer. I would prefer bicolor, but if I could find an orange or some other uncommon color I would take...
It is still pending sale on Friday. If it falls through I will move to the next person in line.
The anemone is pending sale on Friday.
I'm considering selling my anemone. It's getting too large for my tank quickly. I would also consider a trade for a nice frogspawn, hammer, or...