Separate names with a comma.
i got it at lowes.
Check the farm stores. If they don't normally stock it they should be able to order it for you. Theisen's here in CR did that with my tanks and...
[ATTACH] this stuff.
Great to hear you got it going again. Hopefully we'll get some activities going in the CR region this fall and you can get to know some more of...
Bayer will kill pests that may be on the frag. Google bayer coral dip and you'll find all kinds of better information and facts than I can tell...
I've got one. What area are you in?
I think if the fish gets too close and gets stung and a couple sticky tentacles on it game over. I'm not sure spot feeding will help at all. I...
Seems the vertical are less common to find used than horizontal. $128 isn't bad. Shipping is usually a killer on those though or at least when I...
Well said. From the BOD perspective having the input and feedback of the entire BOD is critical to keep things moving and get different ideas. If...
It sucks, but 8:00 Friday evening it's going to be hard to get some help. I saw the post, but was heading out. By the time I got back it was late....
I went out and got a bottle of bayer just the other day. Dipping and quarantine are going to be a part of my regimen when adding corals from now on.
Bean animal is an awesome drain setup. I ran 1" drains on my 46 bowfront and It could keep up, with a lot of room to spare, running a jeboa DC6000...
I'd keep doing water changes and running carbon and watching how things in the tank look. Also check your basic params. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate....
Hard to tell what happened. Hopefully you can get it figured out so it doesn't happen again. I would take a guess that the excess coral mucous...
Carbon and water changes, and fix whatever caused your issue in the first place. If you had water circulation from internal pumps I wouldn't...
Did you get that thing installed. Looking forward to some real world reviews on it.
Now that I think of it, it was probably on different computers. Swear it popped up a couple times on the same comp though.
This keeps coming back even after I dismiss it. Every time I go back to the homepage it's there again.
When I buy plumbing I always buy extra fittings. I'm starting to have a decent collection of random fittings and valves.
Does it look like a bubble or an airpocket in the eye? From your pics it really doesn't look like the eye is protruding. I have had fish get "pop...