Separate names with a comma.
I'm always impressed at how clean the glass is and how nice everything looks...something to strive for I guess! [img]
Sorry for your loss.
I'll make sure he gets there bill [img]
Yeah, I love the sounds of that thing. And I'll tell ya when we will be heading that way whenever you come over! lol
I just found the article on RC and thought you android users might get a kick out of this new device. I know I'm excited to see what it can...
Ok, I am looking at getting the LEDs with that group buy on RC and would like to get some opinions about how many and what ratios I should get. I...
pm sent
What's your magnesium at do ya know?
I've got some nice looking plywood with some trim for the skinning. I decided to make it some I could remove the entire front and right side of...
Thanks slovan! Lets just say my hands were raw after messing with the rocks that much to get it to what's pictured. Totally worth it though in my...
The plan right now is to have it be bare bottom. The only reason I might change that is if down the road I feel like my rock structures could use...
Thanks buddy! It's a work in progress is
So I started the reefing hobby back in 05' and have gradually gotten bigger tanks. This time I decided to go really big (for the time being)...
eh, just take a machete to it... JK! [img]
I don't usually go that direction but if you PM me maybe we can work something out.
Anyone else interested?
So I bought a 75g tank (not drilled) with black trim here a while back with the intention to use it as my sump for my 220g. It's never got used...
Ehhhh....... I want this thing rocking like it should... [img]
I did build the stand with pvc and eggcrate just as you both have said. I am at the max height that I could build the stand and still be able to...