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[img] Very sad myself too
Very nice topic and great job everyone. Kp
Thanks David.
I logged on and fixed your picture for you for now. But please confirm you can or can't see the tool bar when on a computer. Thanks KP
You can't do this on mobile phone. You have to be on the Site on a computer. This site via App, but sense the last update its not working....
Also tapatalk don't work on android at this time very well. Sent via App 2
Don't use quick reply on the site. Using website click on add reply then use the add picture icon on tool bar. Looks like a picture of a mountain,...
I just installed the Tapatalk app on my son's Iphone to see if it would work better on an Iphone. He has a Iphone5c and I only used it once two...
 [img]*&[img](*& wait so November 9th is the fall fest correct? your freaking me out with a this weekend thing. KP
Yes same thing happen when I setup my sons iphone5c for tapatalk.
From what I understand is the one has a spotted look and one does not. More yellow in the Desj vs regular. I have had both depending were it was...
I should be. My son has BB practice at 4:30 other then that unless my wife has not told me about something. Lol
Once an hour has passed you no longer can edit a post. Copy and paste you first post and make your changes then post as an update.
Thanks Shayna glade its doing well. They are very hardy and do look better in person. This kind of coral never gives u its good side in a picture....
Bump would like to sell or trade these frags off so give me some offers. They are very good starter corals and fast growing. KP
Oxygen levels may have dipped way to low. I have never had a death that fast, but I guess it could happen. Sorry to hear this happened.
HaHa most of us are still there...
Welcome Eric! We are a great group of guys and gals here in the area. Keep an ear open for club meetings then are a great time to talk and have...
Bump to new pictures! New pictures above in first post and here are pictures of the mother collony of each frag, but the waving hand coral....