Separate names with a comma.
As long as the director receives the signal it will work. I was going to try it myself. I have an extra setup in my basement and an extra vega I...
I have 2 Vegas over my 93 cube.
The turbo scrubber is listed on your main line post. I May be interested in it if you were to part.
I think that if you have one wireless adapter you could use the director to control that single light and then daisy chain the rest of them...
I am very impressed with my GYRE also. I never had any issues at all with mine so I am lucky with that. I think the controller could be of better...
I would spend 30 more for a refurbished AI Sol blue from aquailluminations parts store and have a better quality light or ask around I believe you...
It would help if you would say which light you were looking at.
I'm on vacation this week but I will be in New Orleans.
I run a wavelike DC 12,000 is super quiet fully controllable and fully adjustable. Also with the DC pumps you don't have the heat issues...
90%seems kinda high for me already. Do you have any other corals in your tank.
I'll be in West Des Moines on Sunday if you are there I would be interested in that rail too has a open box nano sol blue in a black case for 159
I have one with the paristalic pump for 100. They were 189 new. Works perfect. Just changed up a bit and bought the spectrapure one to go with my...
I used a Cadlights bio reactor and never had issues. Reed octopus makes one also.
Did you ever sell this. If not call me at 319-573-4189
I have a avast marine top off with the paristalic pump. They work awesome. Bought it new for 189 would sell for 100
I have seen this statue and it is VERY cool. I have two of these myself and each one is very unique. It is a great value. These statues are nearly...
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All of his fish are sold
I just heard of a fire at anemones clowns and corals. Sorry to hear about it hope everybody was fine keep us posted