Separate names with a comma.
At $15 savings it probably isn't worth it. is there someone that goes out that ways from DSM area that would be willing to bring it back? There is...
Wavers decided to go with something else so just noting this is still available.
A couple weeks back I listed some PC parts. I have a few things left. Actually, I found some more RAM that I didn't need that wasn't listed last...
PM'd on BRS reactor.
I was looking at the BRS media reactors. I want three of them and we would need five to get the cheapest price. Would take them down from $39 to...
And if the seller is not confident I wouldn't buy from him/her again [img]
I run a bakpak II on my small tank and have been happy with it. For the price, assuming you are buying new, I am certain there are better options...
Interestingly I am unable to keep GSP. It always does for me! LOL.
Cut it off and scrub the area where it was growing really will with a toothbrush. If you cut it at the base you can set it on a bit of rubble and...
Link doesn't work.
While I am a lover of nature, I feel that pollution and such are a far greater threat the the reefs than wild collection. I don't have much in...
To my knowledge many states have actually banned the sale of "traditional" thermometers that use dangerous chemicals. It would lead me to believe...
That is correct, but the principle is really the same thing (at least how I imagined it when you explained it), unless I am just not understanding...
Sort of like a plenum?
Any pics of some nice barebottoms then? I think I am talking myself into it...
I don't think you are in the minority there LOL. I think sand looks much better, but I am also thinking of the longevity of the system. All too...
I have found that shrooms can and will move if they don't like the spot they are in, sort of like an anemone. Glue rarely works either. The best...
Aww that's too bad. How much did you get? Wouldn't happen to be selling a small sheet?
So for my 150 build which has taken WAYYYYYY too long to come together (I think I bought the tank 8-9 months ago [img]) I am mulling over whether...
What brand is the regulator? Comes with electronic solenoid?