Separate names with a comma.
Where did you get the material? I always like to know where I can get stuff locally if possible.
This have any live rock in it? I know you said you don't want to part, but I need some rock for seeding purposes and if I took the rock it sounds...
Wouldn't copper effect the corals too?
This is what I did, except I just made a cheapie little stand for mine that I tucked beneath the sink.
Is this your "old" tank you had before setting up the 120?
I saw this on the forums. Apparently he had it running for many years so I doubt it would be faulty. On RC he metioned a money back guarantee as...
Just thought I would add that while I am open to trades, no livestock at this time as I still don't have the 150 set up yet [img] If you have...
You actually don't even need a chip anymore to mod your Wiis, it can all be done as a soft mod via the SD card slot. Some of the newer games...
Heh thanks. This should get stickied and saved someplace [img] I was following what everyone kept saying "My GIRS -> My Account/Profile -> Edit...
I listed this a few weeks back, and had a buyer, but he realized he needed a 1/2 HP chiller for his 250 gallon plus volume system, so I am listing...
I am determined to get this working now lol! Any input based on the pictures?
Here is where I clicked... (I have done my profile, my account, and my settings and basically set everything to public) [img] Here is...
I am a member...
Come tot hink of it... I don't see a location setting anywhere in "my settings"
Yes, I am clicking the my settings link and nothing is changing. Has been this way since the beginning for me.
The grass is always greener I suppose. You can always frag your big colonies and give the frags away to the newbies too! [img]
Even with that info I still cannot figure it out. Under my address the dropdown bar says it should be seen by "everyone" yet that doesn't seem to...
Looks like you guys have all you need for the order to be discounted. If you would, just remove me, as I am leaning towards just getting an "all...
Well, I wouldn't mind filling out the last 25 pounds to get the order up to 100 pounds as sort of a test if I like the rock or not. I am more...
That's pretty cool of them, actually. Any idea what the price of shipping would look like? I am tempted, but I am also looking into...