Separate names with a comma.
Here's the link for the Apex stuff including the DIY cable: It's pretty easy though: P1:...
Yes, it's just a normal RJ-45 cable end, so you can use Cat-5 if you want. I decided to go the route that Neptune uses (or at least used to use)...
I might be able to put my tank on the tour this year depending on the final date. My tanks a mess, but I do have some new lights to show off!
By the way. I can't emphasize enough how good the customer service is from If anyone wants a one-stop shop where...
I haven't been monitoring the heat situation that closely, but I've never felt the fixture get warm at all. However, I'm only running the XM-L's...
Welcome to GIRS!
Welcome to GIRS! And yes, our LED lighting options are getting better all the time. I'm in the process of converting my entire system over to...
Welcome to GIRS! We have a great crew around Des Moines. There is always stuff coming up for sale on here, just keep a close eye out in the...
BTW, the dimming circuit above (which is by far the toughest part) is NOT required for the build if you have an Apex.
Honestly no. They are REALLY super easy to build. In fact, if anyone wants a lesson in how to build them, I might be able to put together an...
Does anyone have any clue yet what the "Aquaserv" functionality is going to be?
Well, I've begun the process of acquiring the parts for my display tank LED fixtures. I'll be doing things a bit differently this time around......
I mis-spoke slightly... You don't set them on all the time, you use the following statement to turn them on when the moon should be out....
The lunar sim module should always be on. The time and brightness of the LED's themselves varies every day according to the phase of the moon....
Menards does (or did) sells a brand labeled specifically as "Aquarium Silicon". I've used it many times with no problem at all. I believe it...
+1! That meeting was a lot of fun and informative. You guys are doing a great job!
Looks like I'm going to be able to make it for sure, so I'll bring a bag for you. Do you want any caulerpa?
AJ, They sell aquarium silicon at both Menards and Home Depot... It's under $5 a tube. -JB
Can't believe all of the "for sale" posts lately. I guess it's time for the yearly exodus out of the hobby when the weather turns nice... [img]
Why not switch to LED instead? All of the benefits of Metal Halide and a lower electric bill. There's a bit more upfront costs involved, but...