Separate names with a comma.
Are you running an RO unit? If not it would seriously help with any nutrient issues you might be having. I would also say that you might be seeing...
u dont happen to have an anemone do you? Leathers are messy when they shed but it shouldnt be that messy.
Just you have any fish? It could have been the left overs of a fish kicking up sand
whats your bank account look like?
just curious is sg suppose to be salinity? if so you might consider raiseing that slowly to around 1.024-26. Crushed coral can be a pain if you...
i'll be there friday night is that early enough?
prices are usually around 1/3 the cost of a lfs as theres no shipping and no overhead
Are you open on saturdays? If so what hours
I think the thing to always remember when dealing with "super great deals" online is the fact that you never actually see the fish or coral before...
I know ipiniowa has 3 luminarcs for sale if there still available. check his thread on RC
I will be bringing various palys and zoas including. Mohawks, Purple Deaths, Nuclear Greens, Bam Bam's, Lord of the Rings, Gold Dust, Banana...
^ me too
i'm more of a craps kinda guy but i'll stop by for some blackjack
is there a list of topics each one speaks on? I know most speakers I have seen have a few things they speak about and thats it
shes going to watch the table while i'm doing all the fun stuff
I'd like some reverse sunset monti, purple monster, pink lemonade, undata, pink sanddollar, we could keep doing this for days......
weird, i would say if your buying less than 20 of something your best bet is sea of marvels in north liberty, he usually has some kind of deal...
Theres a good chance my wife will be bringing some nice zoas and palys...possibly a pair of 400 watt halides
i'm not sure what type of aggressive fish but they usually eat clean up crews pretty rapidly
not really but it's always good to know before hand.