Separate names with a comma.
lol let the force be with you ninjazx777.
The sad part is, this one originally came from him [img] I got this one along with a few others from him before I had the 40g
Is it still helpful if only a few mm of the coral are left? There is a tiny portion toward the tip of each branch that still has some polyps out....
Tank and hood is yours Kungpao. Do you want the light too? It came with the hood in a package. They are back in the box now [img] I'm a pack rat...
Umm.. I got it new in February for 120 from aquacave. Since it is so lightly used I would like 100
I just thought I would start a new thread of what I have left for sale since the other got a little clogged and it was kind of hard to figure out...
My tank (40g breeder) has been up and running now, with lights, fish and coral for about 4 weeks. I have been monitoring my parameters and went...
haha didn't see the post ahead of mine. I would like the coralife power center. I'm going to Spring Fest also, so could you please bring that for me?
Is the coralife power center a timed powerstrip? How many outlets does it have? I would like to get that from you if it is.
Happy 3 month anniversary!!!
Bummer. And i have no way of getting to you. Well, if anyone could get it from u and we could frag it, let me know.
And then i can have theguys at work show me how to frag it for anyone who wants a piece
Well, i would still love to have it. Im not sure where e moline is. Do u ever go to the iowa city/ coralville area?
I'm definitely interested. How big is it? Are you going to Spring Fest?
Pretty frag btw
No problem : ) I love chatting with people and was curious what everyone was doing. Thanks for responding
Doh, they sound adorable! I've never had baby anythings in my tank so far. Hopefully someday though, I will get the nice little surprise like you : )
Yeah, I'd definitely be nervous about the 180. The only issues I've ever had with the 90 is our carpet. Despite having leveled it off with shims...
30 g tank sold. 20g and octopus skimmer still available. pm me if interested. thanks