Separate names with a comma.
just curious where's it comming from? if it's e-bay think twice. Also whats the ballast and bulb brand?
Well in all honesty you will most likely burn your house down. MH reflectors are built to space the halide away from the mounting surface so it...
If it were me I'd go with a 175 retro with a regular spider reflector, for softies and sps this would be almost optimal. The heat issue isn't as...
In therory and to save you alot of headache in the future the term would be 60 long...not wide. 5ft tanks are kind of a rarity due to lighting...
LOL i see you in the first pic robyn.....nice looking tank
alot of people these days will start taking alittle bit at a time out of the tank and replacing it with new sand. Ive run sand and BB and for the...
we did pay for it we should use it more
robyn you have far to much free time....and yes it worked
you guys do know that chocolate chip stars eat coral right?
Posted By reefguy on 09/01/2008 8:36 PM if u dont have corals turn heat up to 85-87 ich dont like heat hope it works out for ya try to keep fish...
I'm betting water, ich doesnt kill shrimp especially ones that eat ich as a hobby. Ich doesn't kill cleaner wrasses either, cause they eat it...
i dont think it's ich killing a cleaner shrimp or a wrasse. Have you tested your water? This sounds more like a ammo spike or super high nitrates,...
BQF donated the fragging supplies and a different company donated the reef dip. Honestly anything over zoa nudis and basic soft coral bugs, reef...
Posted By JByrd on 08/30/2008 8:43 PM Do I hear maybe another donated item from a vendor????? If you can find a vendor to donate it you just might...
So Jake I was checking out the Fall Fest page and noticed you weren't on the sponsor or vendor areas.....we should change that
dude i'm sorry but someone needs to say this, if all your going to do is abuse the fact that we have open forums maybe you should kick rocks....
Gary what type of anemone is it? If its a bubble tip there known to split and split often. If its a seabae I would say its just spreading out,...
I'm not sure if food ever actually came in them but I remember seeing the smaller cans of food inside that container at the lfs's when I was a kid
reefguy has one for sale....and i think he lives in davenport.
nope...fired means fired.....