Separate names with a comma.
change more water. Carbon dosing such as vodka/vinegar or biopellets may also be something to consider.
You sir have some killer looking corals. How about you back it up for a full tank shot.
10 drips a minute seems really low for the effluent. Mine was at a fast constant drip, just under the point of being a steady stream and I had my...
What are you using for a feed pump? What are you using to control the effluent output? If I remember right the circulation pump usually does make...
We need to get some business cards made.....
That sounds like it could be fun. What's he got going in for a new display?
I think coralife is right. I had one and it worked great for several years. Spilled some water on it during a water change one time that put it...
@Borky00 You want to try and get some kind of gathering together before we're into the real dead of the summer months?
@Kpotter2 who has the par meter? I'm not sure who has it at the moment, but I'm sure we can figure that. I have no problem with hanging onto it...
J and M aquatics. One of our sponsors. I'll have to dig up the address though.
Great Job Burlington!! I'm sure just seeing that sweet tank pulled in a ton of people to check it out.
Just didn't want important resources like the constitution and by laws to get "buried"
Looks like its working.
Does discussion "Bump" resources?
@abower What kind of dosing pumps are you running? Are you dosing throughout the entire day? Are you separating the Ca and Alk so they don't dose...
Grow out what you want to keep in your own tank. Trade with fellow hobbyists. There's so many people doing the same thing "common" corals are a...
There are, and will be, limits for file size. I am not sure if they are configured correctly ATM.
Pick a date, time, location and I'll help get the word out. I'd say at least a week, if not more so more people can see the announcement and...
I would go for that. Maybe talk about some plans to get some action going in the region again.
I have a drilled 46 bowfront. Turbo's aquatics overflow, 15 gallon sump w/skimmer and jebao return pump. 150w MH light fixture