Separate names with a comma.
Works:0) Pm'd.
50 Dwarf Yellow Tip Hermit Crab (Clibanarius sp.) @ $0.80 = $40.00 1 SW - Emerald Crab CN-86564, $ 7.49 PayPal sent @...
Can I still get in if I can get Nick to pick my stuff up?
I'm sure that you can pick up a cheap frag at Petco. Just curious but why are you afraid? As long as the water is SW and heated, you should be...
Second Annual Frag Sale Noon to 4:00 PM...
Doesn't look like I will get anything this time around :9(
Are you close to free shipping?
No, I haven't! Let me look and I'll let you know asap:0)
Most people run at least 78 and up to 80 degrees. Is the nem still alive?
Just curious, why do you keep your temp at 73-74? I have always kept my probes in the sump. There should be enough flow through it to give an...
These might help people: ZOAPOX: Red Bugs &...
UPDATE on what is left For Sale: 30g glass tank $50 drilled (bulkhead & 2 return jets) w/ back painted black OBO 9.5 Mag...
Sanitize? What are wanting to do /get rid of? PO4, algae/bryopsis, other? There are several things that can be done with rock...bleach, muratic...
So do we have a head count and list of what everyone is bringing?
Posted By scottlittle on 01/08/2015 3:44 PM Well plans changed for as far a the weekend for me I will not be attending the holiday party...
Try: I can't see it well enough and I know they aren't easy to take pictures of them. Hopefully...
What is it going to be Justin? It helps to know to try to coordinate the sides:0) For example, I don't think potato salad and chili or pizza...
Justin, Is this just going to be like snacks or is there a main course? Thanks!
Fishy, Fishy, Fishy!! Thanks for holding it Brian!! Looking forward to meeting you, the wife and your beginner tank!! lol See you in a few!!