Separate names with a comma.
At menard's? 75 gallon would work just as well as a 100 for what I need it for. I tried calling them but once I select a dept. in never patches me...
That's unfortunate. Closest one is 2.5 hours away from me in Ames. Would waste the savings in gas LOL
57 is cheap enough. Where is blains? Never heard of it
What is pretty cheap? I think they were like 95 bucks when I last checked?
Still haven't gotten around to getting a sump and it is coming to be the last piece I need before FINALLY getting the tank running. So... I am...
Fantastic images. What kind of cera do you use?
I think you love too far from me or I would take you up on the offer. I always wanted to try the stiff because some people sear by it but I have...
Neat. How much dd this thing end up coating to build. Looks like you were able to male it with pretty economical parts. What size tank do you have...
Clever. I think you just saved me some time and money. I love the idea. I will have to try it before finalizing anything and see if I like it, but...
The picture here is not a picture I took. Someone purchased one of the 250w halides so I got to go with the 250 and the 400. If you do...
I only have a single 400w and a single 250w. Wouldnt the two of those together look bad? I am also considering just grabbing another 250 and just...
I would also take an icecap 660 with all the proper wiring as the person I was going to purchase that from is MIA! [img]
I recently bought a 400w Blueline metal halide ballast quick disconnect and mogul socket along with a reflector aside a 250w MH of the same. I was...
That would be great. Where do you live? Swamped with exams this week but could pick them up closer to Friday or maybe the weekend? Thanks!
Ok, well, I have another "stupid" question now [img] Say I put a 250 on one side of the tank and a 400 on the other. Will that look visually...
Incoming "stupid question" LOL. If I bought a 400watt MH ballast but only wanted to rig it with a 250w bulb, would that work? I know it can be...
Out of curiosity, why do you want to get rid of them? To my knowledge they don't bother anything?
I am getting 2 retro fit icecap 660s with all but the bulbs from members on RC. I was wondering if anyone in the DSM area had a T5 I could either...
I don't see why it would hurt. That being said I am not aware of any official studies on the subject LOL.
I am looking at getting about 75% dry and 25% live to seed the system. I followed that rule on my 10g and and the dry rock was live in no time. 6...