Separate names with a comma.
I am not an expert in lighting, but I wouldn't jump to assuming that it was a bad ballast off of one bulb burning out. I have had plenty of bulbs...
Using your stand as inspiration. I just finished my 2x4 skeleton for my 150g. Did you make the trim yourself or did you buy prefab? If prefab,...
Happen to have pics of what they look like on the tank?
Where we you planning on buying them and how big a discount would you get for bulk? I am playing with the idea of building an LED fixture.
Is there a benefit to this over putting nothing on the bottom at all?
What do you do with that (noob question LOL)
Shaun - If you have a photobucket account (or if not you should get one, they are free), you are going to want to upload your pics to photobucket...
Back in California, companies would charge about 75-150 bucks per visiy depending on the size of the tank and frequency of visits (the more...
Yes sir. At the WMD of the day it is a hobby just like a fish tank right?
I agree, but when most of my free time is spent playing wow anyway, I didn't find it too hard to put the game down and tinker with some wires, LOL...
Yeah Air Water and Ice are great. I got my unit used on ebay for like 70 bucks shipped and there was a problem with the RO membrane. I TOLD THEM...
I would say it depends on where it is cut and soldered to make that judgment. The way I did mine, the tank would basically have to 100% dump out...
I don't think there is anything WRONG with them, they just don't come with the DI portion, to my knowledge. You will probably need DI on your...
I did the same. Sadly I don;t have room for a freshwater reserve LOL.
Mine is also air,water, and ice and I LOVE it. Use it both for drinking water and tank water daily :)
Let me clarify I guess... I am only really considering the Druid and the DK in the price I am looking for here. The hunter really is 80 with maybe...
350 per toon is what I have seen most places. I have never sold such an account before so I am only going off of what I have seen. My friends...
I have not really thought of it. The going rate seems to be about $250-350 per well geared character online so something around there would be nice.
How much dry rock ya have? Any live? What about a sump/ refugium or something that can be made into one
I should also add that if you are interested I can give you some armory links I just didn't want to post them in a public forum.