Separate names with a comma.
I don't have any other fish, nor do I dose any chemicals at all. They are the solid color acans, not lords. I have 40 watts of PC lighting in my...
400ppm on the Ca+
Do you think that not feeding them could really be the reason for a decline over an 8 hour period? I'll give the cyclopeze a shot though.
No peppermint shrimp, or any shrimp at all rather. Just various snails and a bicolor blenny. I was feeding mysis 1-2 times per week and they were...
I am using PC lighting and they are on the sand bed. they weren't wild caught, they were fragged by a user here and I have had them in the tank...
Anyone else with any acan experience know what may have happened? Thanks for all of the responses so far :)
I have not checked strontium at all. No other stonies in the tank. I use 0TDS RO/DI water from my home unit to top off. Last water change was...
Hey guys, Have a bit of a conundrum with my acans. I have had two frags (one with 5 heads and one with 4) in my tank for about 5 weeks. All has...
I think, for the most part, people on this forum would rather not go to Petco either [img]
If you need to bake and cure the stuff anyway why not just buy some base rock? That stuff already goes for about $2/lb.[img]
The term puppy mill refers to large-scale dog breeding facilities. Furthermore, it is generally used to describe such facilities that keep their...
While I agree with nearly everything that was said AGAINST puppy mills here, I do have one thing to add, namely on the attitude of some posters....
That's what I use for my return :)
Aren't DI membranes supposed to last much longer than the other filters as long as they are flushed properly?
Corals are looking great, but I am still getting higher reading (later in the day, closer to when the lights are ready to shut off for the night)....
If anyone does a reefchili order I would love to try some, maybe share shipping :)
On my 55g tank back in California I had one peppermint shrimp that was notorious with picking at corals, namely the softies. He did do damage,...
Three times actually. It has dropped now since the lights have been off back to 8.1. I guess I was testing at peak lighting (just before the...
Hey guys, Just did a water test today and was kind of confused. All perameters were great, but my pH was at 8.8 I have never seen it this high and...