Separate names with a comma.
Hey how about a call on this stuff.....
Just wondering if you guys are open or returning phone calls? i've called 2 times and sent pm's. i'm interested in buying before the end of the...
Does anyone know what the name of the red 2 color angel is?
what watts and what tank size?
What is that Rick? That's not what you told me..HAHAHAHA!!!! JK! I looked at the octopus skimmers but they weren't big enough for what i needed.... u plan on making it to the iowa city anytime soon? i guess i should ask what you want out of the frags.
i'd be interested in a frag of pink panthers and zombie eyes
i have gerad who wants 5...but thats all i've been told
I'm a resident forklift tech/mechanic for the local papermill in Cedar Rapids. I enjoy my street bikes, fish tanks, watching and playing ice...
I need to know what eats those little pesky starfish...i was told Calfo said the tank will regulate itself but i need to intervene with this 1. I...
gerad..i'm not heading there anytime soon, but i think dave's heading over next sunday. i can send some buckets with him and you guys can fight...
I'm giving them away..but if i have to deliver maybe a couple bucks wouldn't hurt...(lol) i still have them...nobody has spoke up for sure yet.
Please include me when things start taking off...i could use a good source. =)
I've got lids for them. i have about 15 or so, but i'd have to check to be sure.
How long is this offer good til?
I have a bunch of them and need to find homes for them...i can deliver to CR or DM. LMK
What size tank are needing them for? I had a 72"3)250 mh and 4)96 cpf and the bulbs were good for about 4 months before the alge started growing....
We have a coris wrasse in both of our far the clams and my shrimp are ok, but now that i say this he'll turn canibal.
any chance of splitting the light equipment up? if so, how much for the pendants?
don't forget my 2 heaters..(not hospital 1)