Separate names with a comma.
Please find me. Black ops 2 kpotter2 Sent via App 2
On now Sent via App 2
Kpotter2 is me... Sent via App 2
Sorry I sent that right after I posted, but it didn't get posted. PS3 is what I got it on!
Lets play. Love the game just got it...friday.. Sent via App 2
Sent via App 2
Great thanks it will be cool to see work in progress. Even know all ares are in progress all the time.
Holly brightness batman. Two AI over a 40 breeder? I bet that looks great
Remember it? lol
Tested at 8 today. Getting better. Sent via App 2
Pete I hope you can find someone to take it off your hands. Good luck!
Thanks Yes it has the MakersLed/Aquastyleonline LED setup on it.
Yuma would be cool! Just fish for a while. Maybe some easy corals at first!
Sounds like a fun project. Have fun!!
Love it. Great find. Watched it twice.
OK Day 3! First set off fish added. Clown pair from the 40 breeder. This was setup with water from my DT and new water. I also used some of water...
Lol Sweet testing party! Got to love it!
Yeah JB said it was a non functioning feature. It freaked me out too. lol I have not found the way to find posts made by others yet as you...
Glad i could Funny how all this works! Great post and I am interested in the info also
To all Paid member, The Greater Iowa Reef Society has a club Par-Meter for testing your lights Available for "Paid member" only and per...