Separate names with a comma.
Go to page 85 on the Neptune manual (download from Neptune website) You need to go to "Module setup" in your Apex web-interface. First make...
Contact Neptune support as we talk about. It maybe something simple or something crazy. Keep us posted!
Yes what he said!
Not sure you can!
Try my program! This should work just fine. Fallback OFF If 75TEMP < 77.3 Then ON If 75TEMP > 77.8 Then OFF I know this is not fool...
lol you are funny. The Apex is the #1 controller out there so that's why its all you hear about . The Apex is the greatest Reef device or...
Thats what I was going to suggest checking! Also turn the outlet to on or off and see if it works that way.
You post pics the same old way you use too. If your using mobile devices they don't work very well. Use the attachment tab on bottom of reply window
Make sure there is good silicon between panels and then razer blade off sides. When this is done use a good cleaner to clean area were you removed...
+1 yep caught one at night also