Separate names with a comma.
looking for a few heads of red candy cane to go with my green if anyone has any they'd like to sell. Chris
HQI or SE?? I'm not any help with it but might help someone that does.
how long has this tank actually been up and going?
i got no clue without pics either :)
I like your aqua scaping and the panorama
i bought those ebay ones, seemed like a good deal 150 shipped w 4 48" vho's, 2 white 2 blue, icecap 660 and harness's and new end caps
i found a good deal on ebay i'm thinking about i have a 72" tank but dont think i really need 72" bulbs but here is what i found i'm thinking of...
oouch what kind of work?
I'm really looking forward to it, this will be my first one
yeah you definately want water to flow through the carbon :)
i have nothign to frag right now, my tank just got set up in the middle of january, all i have right now are frags :) haha but when things grow...
awesome. the town i live in is actualy Bussey but most people haven't heard of it, less they ride at bluff creek..
Just bought a toadstool and a emerald crab from here sunday, everything seems to be doing fine, as soon as i put the crab in the tank it started...
are you running pure VHO's Joel or just using as suplementation.(sp)
how far south are you? i'm just a little south of knoxville> Welcome to GIRS Chris
hey karen i live in bussey, bout the closest person to you right now :) my dad lives down my melrose, i travel that way often, i've thought about...
jag, what you want for the dual bulb one? if i can get some 6ft ones that would be awesome.
mainly cause i'm cheap and want to see if theres anyone that had some VHO stuff laying around that i could part together first :)
I'm in need of actinic supplementation. I am not sure if T5's will over power my 3 250w halides so looking to go the VHO route, need either a...
never have used it but have heard good things.