Separate names with a comma.
Follow photo below, I am no good at photos! ~Yellow Eye, green center, green skirt --- 5-10 heads per frag plug -- $10 (all in far left row)...
Heck even and email for that matter. Does he have a user ID on here?
Anyone? Must get going!!
Can anyone PM me with Help - Millertime's - (Andrew) phone number? I am suppose to be picking some coral up from him today but all the info is on...
Dang - it better come back up, I need to get ahold of -Millertime- (Andrew) all the info is in their PM system and I am suppose to meet up with...
I will be there might be a little late say 6:15 ish but I will be there!
if they are metal make sure they are stainless steel so they won't rust.
Posted By Waverz on 07/11/2009 07:07 AM Regal Plastics $11 per sheet, they are in DM and there is one here in Evansdale. EDIT, wrong post. Sorry
Posted By jstngates on 07/09/2009 02:02 PM Does anyone have any for sale? The cheapest I have found would be 12-14 dollars online. Would prefer...
I have a 4-pin - Square PC Socket, before I toss it in the trash thought I would see if someone needed one for a replacement. Freebie otherwise...
Anyone use Seachem's MATRIX? I have 3 1L bottles, 2 unopened and one half full for a total 2.5L UNUSED. There are two different sizes of media...
I am looking for a 'different' tang, really don't want something everyone else has, right now I have a Powder Blue and would like to get a Orange...
Just wanted to see who will be coming to Mickeys on July 14th for a drink or two. I have some more questions and its always nice to get together...
Have you tried Menards or Lowes? They have specialty things like that in their hardware sections. Usually they are in bins/drawers, and sold...
I did been super busy.... PMing back.
Interested in the open brain... Any coral that I have you want?
I would be in for a couple more bags as well.
Sounds good, as long as there is enough extra volume in the sump for the overflow your good!!
If you loose power will the entire frag tank drain in to the sump?