Separate names with a comma.
My Tang has eye cloud I think from a parasite. I'm treating him with copper safe (just started today) and melafix (for 3 days). Not seeing any...
Thanks, Had it up for 4mo now slowly adding rock and things. 75g, 29 sump with 3-4g refugium, 4x65 PC's with 8 led's, 100+live rock, Water Flow...
[img][img] Sorry for the bad pic's. I thought it time to post some.
E mail sent let me know if it worked and I will go with paypal for payment. Thanks Josh
alk should be 8-12dkh shot for 10-11dkh IMO. Water changes or a buffer will bring it up.
O and I think I'm ok on flow? 75g, 29g sump, 800 gph return, Seio m620, and a 1300gph powerhead. Thanks
I got a piece of a red cap from David and it colored up nice had it 1mo maybe. Not alot of growth yet? I should get 150w pendent or some thing but...
I would like to try some sps but concerned about my lighting. I have 4x65 PC and can place them 8 or 9 in from top which in about 13 to 14 from...
PM sent Good looking Coral!!!
Sitting out this year with the arm still healing. [img]
Nice looking tank!!!
I have a 200w that I got from marine depot looks just like that one. It is submersible has overheat protection and double sealing top. I've heard...
great idea looking for bright colors, red or blue ricordeas zoanthids bluespotted mushrooms hairy mushrooms bubble coral sun polyps green wall...
I have 2-Aqua-Tech 5-15 missing one strainer and pickup tube and a wisper 2 missing strainer but think I can find it. I live in Evansdale and...
Were are you located? I may have some that will work.(hang on back)
I look forward to meeting the area members and tanks. Thanks, Mybe it was the Hydrocodone I'm taking?
That would be great! I look forword to meeting the area members and thanks.
Need some macro algae any thoughts and can I get it local?
I will be there and will bring some cherry cheesecake or something.