Separate names with a comma.
Thanks for the suggestions, I changed a few things and will be building this next week. This hopefully is my final design, dimensions may change...
Posted By iaJim on 07/05/2010 11:49 AM How thick is the glass that you are using for your traps? not sure yet, will purchase this week. so my...
My understadinig and I could be wrong for this design i dont want the water going into the fuge to get skimmed. I will limit the water amount and...
Starting my first reef tank, 40 breeder. Let me know if you think this DIY sump would be ok. Going to be a 20L, not sure on skimmer yet but i...
I also saw those the other day, they looked great for the price. I am new to saltwater do most people stay away from purchasing saltwater fish...