Separate names with a comma.
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]...
Thanks adam.
Down sizing so first things first. Corals Green brain-$70 GS 10-12" round on 10lb rock-$40 Chalice red/light blue eyes-$35(pending sale) Lobo...
Going to meeting tomorrow. I can bring it???
Tubbs Birdsnest please. Thanks Josh
I ordered my Apex from Aquacave. It didnt come with the other things I ordered, I think it comes from the factory so it took a few more days to...
I have a AquaticLife Ballast. Used it for a year or so before I parted it for my hood. It will run 2 65w pc or 2 55w t5. I live in Waterloo.
Sorry to hear that. I just got one for my mom and she really likes the little guy. I had a shark nose go from my dsp tank to my frag tank. Boy was...
I will make it. Is any one interested in red cap, purple digi, dragon eye zoes or a frag of purple acro?
This is how I setup mine. Fallback OFF Set OFF If Time 03:00 to 03:10 Then ON If Time 12:00 to 12:10 Then ON If Time 06:00 to...
I will post it later. I'm using the time statement and only doing alk at the moment. I add calcium in a equal part.
Aj I set my doser just like you posted and its working great. I don't know if it makes any differents but I setup the apex to dose my alk every 2...
Thanks for posting AJ. -Josh
Posted By xroads on 11/02/2010 09:32 AM IMO Filter socks (cleaned regularly) is just an effective tool for keeping your tank clean as a skimmer....
I'm in for the tour and if it works out my place can be a stop.
pm sent - Josh
Posted By sblomgren on 10/21/2010 10:25 AM Where is this business located? The fish shack is in Manchester. I have had good luck with Bill and...
I will take the watermelon eye chalice.
try setting it up to run off the outlet that runs your moon lights. Fall back ON Set ON If Outlet MOON = ON Then OFF Same Set OFF If Outlet...