Separate names with a comma.
Located in Cedar Rapids, I have ~$600 in the mist king system would want to get $400 out of it. Purchased it 5/7/10 and got it about 2 weeks later...
Pics aren't showing up but you can click on the link to see them. Craig
Thinking of selling ym planted tank off to switch to salt. I would much prefer to see this go as a setup versus being parted out. 150g AGA with 2...
Sounds good guys. If you want to PM me a short blurb later this week about what you want to talk about I can forward it to Marti to make sure it...
Would love to have an indepth discussion based on Andys idea. I think most don't know enough to ask teh right questions and most just won't ask....
Not sure having members submit questions will work well, I've tried that with 2 previous talks I've done.... [img]
Let me know Andy thanks.
[img] Anything you want to talk about salt water related. Most of the group are freshies with a few keeping salt tanks. We also have a projector...
Curious if anyone would be willing to do a talk at the local EIAA meeting in Cedar Rapids Tuesday May 10th at 7pm? Craig
Yeah I saw your setup forsale. Still doing alot of reading and planning so it will probably be abit before I even start to spend teh cash on...
I figured we could pimp you at at $10 a job, I would even play nice an let you have $4 of it. [img] I figure if you can do 100 a day shouldn't...
Yeah the more I think about it I want to break down teh 150 and pick up a 29 Bio Cube and mod it out and set up a nice coral display.
We can plant you some mangroves in there and add the salt wouldn't take much... [img] Plus we can add that cool plastic jelly fish from the tank...
Oh yeah and if the wife wants to keep teh planted I may have to start pimping you out to pay for the new setup...
You want to buy my tank? Would look good at your place might have to get rid of the kids though so you have room for the tank. [img]
Well I about ready for a new challenge. Thinking about setting up a salt tank still doing alot of research and pricing before I jump in. Then also...
Posted By nick on 06/17/2010 09:30 PM I plan on stoppin and checking it out. Was anyone else gonna go check it out this weekend? [img]
Figured I would bring this back up. Viewing is this Saturday!
Posted By AJ on 05/27/2010 10:21 PM Thanks for the invite Craig! I'll try to make it over and check it out. You have that cool planted tank,...
After checking out your guys tanks in your tour figured I would extend the offer to see mine. On Saturday June 19th from 10am to 5 pm feel free to...