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just interested , with the baby being premature. Was it an angel movement monitor? I wish they had something like that when my son was born I...
I have had the yellow one for 3 years it still cleans the heck out of my floors. So well it pics up that once a month I have to turn it over a cut...
Ok does this disturb anybody else that we already buried him at sea according to some islamic law. Not to offend islam but if you murder...
Yes he is small, seems pretty hardy so far. What type of ich medication would be recommended , are we looking at formalin . If so any body know...
Ok just bought a green goby from petco and got him home put him in quarantine tank . Just a little half gallon frog Tank. Noticed he has ich...
Ok Petco wont warranty the fish, kind of expected that . So where can I go thats close to get a decent fish. I would love to go to AC&C but the...
Well waited 2 weeks to get my wrasse and I got him yesterday. DId great after acclimation and found him dead and half eaten this morning. I am so...
Well you know the dosage and I have around 10 gallons total in my nano. If you are in Iowa city this weekend let me know. I could use a true cure....
Thanks for all the help everyone. Tina thanks for the link I think I will order it just to be safe.
I live in north liberty, don't know of any but I'm new to Iowa.
Ok where do I get pig dewormer and what's the dosage?
ok I will see how the wrasse works out . Thanks
ok I have a six line wrasse coming tomorrow will that work?
Ok before I hit the tank with flatworm exit I would Like a 2,3,4,5 opinion, Are these the flatworms that are harmful ? Their size is no were near...
Vortech mp10 all the way. No cords in the tank, no heat transfer. Plus they are just damn sweet.
Ok found out that my orp probe fell all the way into my sump and the top plastic is corroded. Looks like I was getting a false ready from my orp...
No , just Ro/di water. I need to add reefbuilder or just buffer?
The temp stays between 77.2-77.7
ok I got a new ph probe from fosters yesterday calibrated it and checked my water it was not good. The old probe was with in .08 of the reading i...