Separate names with a comma.
Is the 538 the one that's 3x3 by like 8 long?
I'd be intrested to know more about these setups as well..... Been looking for another decent sized tank.
Is there a link available somewhere for pics and a list of exactly what's for sale? How thick is the acrylic? Who made this tank? Sucks you'd...
I'd be intrested in the tank.... PM sent.
Thank you! Would love to find a big lion. Any contact info? Anyone in particular there I should be asking for?
Will be setting up a 240 here very soon for "Mr. Nibbles" a decent sized Dragon Moray. I'm looking for some fish to add with him as a 240 is gonna...
Prolly not intrested but if for some reason you think a Hawaii Dragon Moray would work PM me.....
Bump for Mr Nibbelz...... He's ready to go to a new home. Check the classifieds over at for pics..... Thread is" Mr...
Thanks Trevor!!! Definetly would be a great deal for someone just starting up a big salt tank.... I've seen smaller skimmers running entire...
Would like to sell this all together. Mr. Nibblez is a 2 3/4' Hawaii Dragon Moray. Coexists with other eels just fine and fish too large to eat....
Congrats again... How much/often are you feeding? They eat a LOT. Preggo they're even worse. IF she held an extra quarter term and they...
What if I throw in roughly 200 lbs of live rock for the same $1200? Want to close the tank down. Open to offers.
Any intrest at $1200?????
Posted By FlyingMoray on 02/01/2010 04:02 PM Let me know if you decide to part out Mr. Nibbles. I would be interested. Feel free to make offers...
[img] The 2 big eels.....
I have a group of Morays I am thinking about parting with in order to get funds together for another ray. (1) 1.5' Snowflake (1) 1.5' Freshwater...
I have 3 Fluval canisters I no longer need. (2) 405s and (1) 404. ALL need the lil well covers. Other than that they are good to go. All in good...
Posted By Waverz on 06/09/2009 09:22 AM Awesome setup man, looks like I'm not the only one that hit up all the Dollar Generals in the area for...
300 Gallon "growout"...... 300 Gallon Tenecor. (2) 2in drains, spraybars built into the top, Dolphin 4700 pump, sump is an old acrylic rack...
I am VERY sorry to hear about your loss Waverz. I know how tough it is losing rays. They aren't like other fish when they die, there is...