Separate names with a comma.
NP. It'll do the job well. Not sure what else I have laying around but hey if you need help carrying the tank in or building the stand let me...
I have an Iwaki 30 RXT that might work for your return. It is external though. Comes with 1" Unions on the In and Out puts. I'd like $50 for...
Where is the sump going to be compared to the DT? That would help us out telling you what pump to use. Also what size is the skimmer compartment...
May also want to contact Steve at steve's leds. he is crazy about LEDs and how to get the most out of them over your tank. I am working with him...
Look at he has a bunch of great stuff and he'll make sure you get the right kit for you tank and corals. I am going to get a set...
Nice set of walleyes!
I will on my break at 4:45. Stuck at work [img]
I was thinking that as well. I do have a canopy right now and when I finally decide on my upgrade or not. Correction when my fiancee finally...
So I am on the fence between two different LED sets The Evo 150 Manually Dimmable lights or the Apollo Reef which I can hook to a controller...
Holy Cow! now that's a raffle!
@nivenethan - Got any extra? Where you located? I could use a small ball as well. Would be cool to see it grow in the roots of my mangroves.
hmmm anyone have any experience with the Evolution LED lights?
I am in need of roughly 3 feet of 1" PVC. Anyone have some scrape laying around I could move out of the way for them? Trying to finish the drain...
If you know someone that can cut glass i have some extra pieces laying around that you could silicon into the tank to make an overflow. I'd build...
As soon as I turn on my white light all of my fish are at the surface by my Korlina 4 to grab food as I drop it in. They'll sit their til I feed...
Hello! If has one that is drilled just swap him and take out the guessing game and hassle of drilling your tank with it possibly shattering all...
It would be nice to have a DIY repository but most of us just add it to the General Community Forum for now. Not sure how hard it would be to add...
hmm wish these guys were cheaper but I understand that I wont need to replace them in 10+ yrs. Any way to knock the price down? I am limited on...
was trying to find specs on line but havent seen much. My issue with them being 3 foot is the bracing in the middle of the tank. The tank has 2...