Separate names with a comma.
Below items are sold War coral Purple monster Hawkins echinata Pink lemonade Tongue coral 3 Antihas Powder brown tang Green echinata Crocea clam...
All Antihas are spoken for. Yes I have some polities I think that is what you want, it is branching. Thyraven I will pm you my PayPal, you...
Below items are sold War coralPurple monsterHawkins echinata Pink lemonadeTongue coral1 Antihas Powder brown tangGreen echinataCrocea clam2 pairs...
I took pictures of the tank but it turns out my card reader is broken, so I could not upload, but I have taken pictures, so you will see it before...
Hi there, I think you are talking about Scroll coral, yes I have some, not a big piece but I will give you some of that, or all of it if you...
I think I PMed everyone. For people who are asking about anthias, they are Randall's Anthias. I will definately get these for my next setup, as...
THere would not be much problem with the tangs for sure. I am sure coral beauty would be fine too since it is a different genius.
A few more things I remembered. I also have a nice size Melanurus Wrasse, colorful - $30 I also have teal stag colony, and some unknown...
There is also frogspawn and torch, $5 a head. Torch has over 50 heads. You can have the whole torch for $100 , it is a show piece. Kole...
By the way I am open to it, if someone comes and makes a one big offer to me for everything I have I can sell all of the live stock for a very...
upps... I meant I would like everything gone by June 15th the latest. Whatever I cannot sell, I will try to find holders/keepers to keep them...
I would like everything gone by July 15th the latest. Whatever I cannot sell, I will try to find holders/keepers to keep them until I set up my...
I will sell the Ritteri anemone with the live rock it is attached to. It is 2 feet or more across when fully expanded... This is one of a kind...
A lot of people are asking about my availability, Starting this Saturday, for the next 6 weeks below is the schedule, you can PM me for a time,...
I PMed everybody with address information. I am located in Urbandale, IA very close to Hyvee on 86th and Douglas, as John said already. Rob,...
Hello Everyone, I have had this 340+ gallon tank for over 3 years, and now I am going to take a bit of a break from it. I would like to sell all...
thanks for the replies, I nuked about 50 - 60 of them last weekend, and I have about 100+ more to go... a friend is getting me racoon, I will give...
Yes, they are pretty bad, and they land right in the middle of my acros, and stay there and start STN, fortunately STN stops after a while, but...
Andy, let me know, I am located in Urbandale. AJ, bulbs are yours. You can pick them up on the 15th, preferably in the afternoon maybe at 2:00pm...