Separate names with a comma.
Are we betting frags?
Very nice work there, looks great.
I just bought 2 Tunze 6201 pumps, I looked at the controller online. By the time I purchase one I am almost at the cost of an Apex. Any...
I have been in there a couple times over the last couple weeks, they have done a great job getting it to look a lot cleaner, and the fish looked good.
PM sent on the pumps.
I have 4 used bulbs here I was just going to toss, if anyone would want them they can have them. They are as follows. [list type=decimal]...
Love the pictures, especially the cap, and the magnificent Foxface.
Great party, I would like to thank Kyle and Dave for putting it together along with the future planned meetings. Keep up the great work. Dena...
Thanks Doug, I will just set up a buy from Bulk reef supply and see if anyone else wants anything.
That is a very good price, I was hoping to get a used one for around that price. Thank You.
PM sent
Looking to drill a few holes, need a bit. Anyone have one they want to part with?
2 green bubble tip anemones for sale both will come on the rock they are attached to, both are little bigger than a golf ball. asking $25 each....
I liked reading on the design of the new tank and the fish room starting on page 5. Page 16 there is am article on Coral bleaching. Here is the...
I had a big fish buy, lost 4 Anthias, and an Atlantic blue, and a couple other fish lost, even brought home the wrong fish. Did not do much with...
Walking on the beach, just amazed at what we saw at our feet.
This was too big to put in the tank but he was pretty cool, and they were everywhere. [img]
[img] [img]
Anemone I think, very cool and they were everywhere... [img] Cool looking fish. [img] [img] [img]
Congrats Dave, and good luck.