Separate names with a comma.
:{ to big for my tank
its preety big
how old is it
thats a nice fish
can you hold those for me i will take them
@Armydog how much for thoese zoos at the top in you last pic im interesed in them
i got a 55 gal corner tank an 75 gal rubber maid sump an kessile 150 on 400watt metal hailide an 8 bulbs+ reflector and hanging kit 55 lid + oak...
i will now trade for one whant haning kit i will trade for 1 or 2
i live in dm i will trade my 55 corner tank ,75 gallon rubermaid sump, 55 stand oak, metil hailide, balist, cpr overflow box, kessil 150, lid,7...
@Reef Geek 200$+75 gall rubermaid tub an 55 gal corner tank with stand and cpr overflow box for 2 of your ai's
@Armydog hey would you be interested in trading some frags for a 75 gallon rubermaid tub it wolde work great for frags or a sump it is drilled...
@Armydog hey im relly interested in your frags and woulde like buy some of them can you send me a pick in a pm of what you got with no flow if i...
thanks for fixing it for me @Turbo's Aquatics
alright thanks turbo
as the tittle said for sale nothing is for sale i got a poll / quesion or vote on witch led is the best for me i got a 125 gallon reef need nice...
commet below or if your tank is over stocked and cluterd i would take sps or zoos or ricordias bubiltip acans blastos i need to stock my tank got...
i got a 55 gallon corner tank with 75 gallon ruber maid sump with cpr over flo box place a price below i would also trade all of it for a...
i got a 10 gallon you can use or have for a frag @Armydog i live in dm
@army dog go bye a rock from petco in west des moines with apstasia put it in a diffrent tank with nothing in it but rubble or crushed coral and...
@Armydog i got a kessil 150 i will trade you i live bye you like 20 miniutes away i live on the border of des moines an ankeny i also got the...