Separate names with a comma.
They're entirely self-regulating. They'll only exist at a level the available food allows, so I have never manually removed them. I figure even...
I would say Big ALS/Allfish, but they're closed now.:(
Cameron that's hilarious!
Great to have you back!
Dave, Ill take some:)
That looks awesome!!! Not sure if you've posted it yet, but have you tailored your lighting to the specific needs of the tanks? Ex: You've got...
I would highly recommend throwing a couple turbo snails in there before you take more extreme measures. I thought I had an unrecoverable algae...
You have any turbo snails in there?
Can you post some shots of your tank and the algae in question?
Have you pursued other options first before going with a blackout? What about your corals in the tank? Do you know what type of algae you're...
I was just in Seascapes an hour ago - they are packed to the gills with hermits in their anemone tank. Petco in Windsor Heights also has them...
This was a better deal than any Black Friday/Cyber Monday offering I'd seen.
Check this one out: Do you need a cheap sump light?
If the damage from their turf war is threatening the health of the entire coral, I would take action to relocate. However, if they're just having...
Isn't it crazy how some corals of the same family will grow like crazy, while others seem to take forever? Congrats!
I'll need to call in, I have some family stuff pop up tonight around 7.
Absolutely. When fish dont see others swimming freely they may think a predator is in the area, and since everyone else is hiding they should do...
Sunday or Monday will work best for me, voted :)
Wow!! Very impressive! A few questions: The 'pillars' of 2x4 you have extending up to the ceiling above the 3rd level - will you be using these...