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Text call me 3195416557
Anybody? It's loaded with copepods and hundreds of tiny brittles. The good ones. Any offers.
Does anyone have one? How good is the par monitor?
100 lbs of fiji live rock. I have too much. It was bought about 2 years ago. Fills up 3 5 gallon buckets. 150.
I guess this is sold now.
I have 1 person so far. Anyone else interested in the Marshalltown area?
I currently have 180 and am looking for some fish to add. I'd rather buy from someone on here and an established system. Willing to pay...
texted craig
No not too big. Would you like a cube for it?
Fish for sale?
I'd love to but we are going to Minneapolis to see my wifes grandparents. How big is his tank? I'm rarely on here anymore.
So this last weekend we moved my aquarium thank you Steve Jones very much. I got to thinking my water temp was mid 70s or so. Back in the day I...
I want bigger than that. I have a 20 and 10 right now. Sorry should've specified it. Do you have a tank back up and running? Thought your wife...
I have a bio 14 I'm looking to trade for a freshwater tank. Not too big my 6 yr old needs a tank for his guppies.
No I got stuck in Iowa City last night. Maybe next weekend? Whenever it works for everybody.
How about 10 am next Saturday? My wife isn't too thrilled with me doing it this weekend with all the family coming over Sunday.
Any livestock?
So 10 am Saturday work guys? Text me 3195416557. Thanks
Saturday. We won't need a truck I'm moving it like 4 feet. It's staying in my basement. Anytime Saturday.
Going to move a 180 need help. Willing to give a couple guys gbta, blue cloves, other softies we may find. Also have some equipment. Should...