Separate names with a comma.
65 gallon non drilled with overflow $75 29 gallon non drilled $30 30 gallon breeder $40 Reef octopus nm150 skimmer top was dropped but glued...
I got a bunch gimme a ring/PM me
Interested in tank, PM me
Did you change the RO filter as well or just the prefilters?
The pump is a fixed magnet pump. so long as its reef safe (ceramic), there's nothing to physically change in the pump, and thus no break-in time.
Yeah... Just south in CV we hit about 750 out of the tap. After membrane its usually about 6 and di clears it up. I run a dual DI system, keeps DI...
You cant go wrong with T5ho's they still perform the best color spread and blending, and depending on who you ask, are still the best for color...
I run a 65 tall (36x18 40b footprint) and a 190 tall (60x24x31) single system with a ... Oh about 190 gallon sump system. QT goes up as needed in...
Guh... DUH! Brilliant!
It's different in that case. In the case of the gyre the only thing stolen was intellectual property, Which if the US companies would buckle down...
That Turn right above me is an issue. Your tank needs to build up enough pressure to then (literally) 'flush' the water back up o and then into...
Try target feeding the shrimp first. If you keep him busy he is less likely to snag otherstuff!
Ive had one of each in as small as a 40 before. They do just fine.
Got a little livestock rocking in the tanks now! Two orange skunk ac clowns A sharknose ac goby A hermit crab A couple margarita snails A...
Plan to start around 11 or so. Probably earlier if no one's coming that way I have plenty of fay to scape the tank. Lol
Anyone plan on stopping by for this?
Great to hear. He looks like he was a hardy eater beforehand as well so with any luck he will make it just fine, maybe a little malformed, but...
My concern would be in hoe the sponges/product work. Micro beads and flakes of the foam are going to come off and be suspended in the water...