Separate names with a comma.
Thank You to Jim from Nebraska Aquatics Supply for offering his booth to give Sioux Falls Aquatics the opportunity to attend the event. He says...
Heading down to Ames now! Be sure to come check out the Sioux Falls Aquatics booth! Lots of corals!! Sent from my iPhone via App 2
Sioux Falls Aquatics will be making the drive to set up for you coral goers!! I've been to many GIRS FESTS in the past so hope to see some...
PM Sent.
I also think that I got my black ice clowns out of your tank as well.
I dropped my skimmer cup from my ASM G-5 and had a really nice sized hole on the side was a little bigger than a golf ball. I pieced it back...
I'm coming from Sioux Falls, SD. will be in Des Moines Wednesday-Sunday staying at the Marriott 4 nights. Hitting up the Omaha zoo on the way down...
I just used my phosphate checker today. I think I got 8 packets in mine. Didn't know about the packets till I opened it and wished I ordered...
As many things may work but, I gotta throw this out there for my wife, she sells Norwex cleaning products now, and I got to say they are perdy...
"Tanked" is not alone. Yet, another aquarium tv show in production "Fishtales" check it out. ... riums.html
Now if were to stay with this box with the less flow I would have more contact time in the sump. Would this be ideal? And I could use power...
If I turn the pump up for more flow, the overflow box don't keep up, so it sucks and gurgles more frequently. With it turned down it only does it...
Yea but i still had to the cut the flow down to half. The pump is rated at 1750 GPH and 39 FT head pressuse.
Thought I would share my new setup that I got going on. Has been running since July 4th. So should be good for MACNA. As for the Setup - 75G...
ThyRaven, I E-mailed them this morning that you got missed on there end. I tripled check and your on list. So I'm sure they can get you going still.
Sent out the form this morning. Wait for a confirmation email to start buying tomorrow afternoon. THANKS, MATT
Last day to join. Going to email the list Monday morning. Got 15 participants. Thanks, MATT
Go on there website ( then you will see prices of products on there that are red-orange in color that says "As low as: $$$"...
I do Kalk past in my biocube. And also used a zapper for a 470 gallon that had alot of them. Spent like 1 hour just doing that. Seems like a long...