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1 big fest a year or 2 small ones?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Nik, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    This is an interesting suggestion.  It seems that there is always a Des Moines fest in the spring, but the fall fest bounces back and forth between the QC and CR/IAC area.  I'm not sure however if there is enough 'support' for one in both QC and IAC each year.  By 'support' I mean people willing to make both trips, or vendors to come out.  IIRC last year's FF didn't turn out as well, but that could easily be blamed on MACNA being so close to it an no one having $$ to spend or having the need to go.
  2. Ball

    Ball Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think there should be at least 1 show in Des Moines no matter what. How can you get more centralized than Des Moines? Its smack dab in the middle of the state.

    I like 2 fests a year. Alot of time people cant make both but they can usually make 1 a year. If their was only one a year and someone missed it, it would be 2 years between fests for them.

    The raffle is nice and its somewhat of a draw for me as well as others I suspect. However, I think it should be done ealier. A lot of people leave early or WANT to leave early, so they give away their tickets or stay longer than they want. Believe me, it sucks to wait around for 3 hours after your done shopping for a chance to win something. Move it to the middle. Lets say 2:30pm. Thats my vote for change!
  3. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    If you ask me, the timing of the raffle is really a question for the vendors. The 'selling' pretty much stops while the raffle is happening, then everyone who already has their stuff and just stuck around for the raffle takes off. If those people stick around for another hour, chances are they are going to buy one more thing, multiply that by 50-100 people that that's a lot of extra sales the vendors otherwise might not have had an opportunity to get. Putting the raffle in the middle of the show may effectively end the event early. Maybe staggering the raffle would be a better alternative?

    I see where you're coming from though, if people want to leave early and hence are forced to miss out on the raffle, that detracts from the point of the raffle. Getting tickets with your membership and then not being able to use them makes that pretty pointless for some. You can give your tickets to someone else to pick stuff up for you but it's nice to actually be there when it happens. Also having the raffle after the speakers only makes sense. Also not everyone shows up right away, but it seems that after the first 2 hours, pretty much everyone that was going to be there was there.

    All this sounds like it may be moot anyways, with all the big companies stopping donations the raffle may not be as much of a central event.
  4. chappy1

    chappy1 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have to say, i thought the one in IC was way bigger, or better turnout for vendors, maybe it was just that the des moinies had a bigger building. Loved the grab bags. Would love to see a true frag swap some day, have to wonder how many vendor/collectors we would get if there was no charge for a table. The event was great, I for one do not say for the raffle, so it is not an interest to me at all. That came after my fall fest experience when one of the vendors told me about a guy that spends a ton on tickets whens everything, however it makes money for the club so i understand. Wonder how much the guy from the BOYAH clowns made, he was selling those things like hot cakes.
  5. mfisher


    +0 / 0 / -0
    I would attend two a year as long as they were in dsm or east of there. I like to see nice stuff and buy often!

    I don't care for the raffle. i gave my tix away cause i wanted to go home. It takes too long, my corals are cooking and at fall fest some guy stacked the raffle. Good for the club i guess, but a preety ostentatious display and a bit of a letdown for the rest of us... Id rather focus on the frags, socializing and seeing a couple talks.
  6. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    Des Moines may be the center of the state, but it is not even close to the center of our membership base.  This is why we origionally started having 2 a year.
  7. ruggerkc Experienced Reefkeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    North Liberty , IA
    +183 / 3 / -0
    It would be interesting to know how many nebraskans we had there.
  8. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    I think I got quite a few people from Omaha to come to the show! I really like it being in Des Moines for selfish reasons!
  9. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Fall fest will be in CR/IC area this year.
    I think moving it to different region every event will get more people involved. Des Moines, Quad Cities, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids. I don't think you can consider anything more central than another. There are many more members and hobbyists outside of the Girs "regions" that will also make it to these event. Western Iowa, surrounding states, everything in between. Each area will draw different crowds.
    Dedicated members and hobbyists will make a drive of several hours for a meet. Others will only go if its local to them.
  10. Bymers311

    Bymers311 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    No love for South Dakota? /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif
    I voted for 2. If there was an option for more I would have chosen that, lol. I always have a great time when I come to these.. On that note, thank you everyone that works so hard to put these together. Your hard work and dedication are amazing and greatly appreciated!
  11. ruggerkc Experienced Reefkeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    North Liberty , IA
    +183 / 3 / -0
    Sorry Evan, didn't realize you lived in SD. You remebered your screen name.
  12. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
     The guy that stacked the raffle is Carl Nelson, he is also the membership coordinator for MASNA.  If you noticed he bought a bunch of tickets but the items he put them on were things like reef putty and other odds and ends. He bought all those tickets to help the club and then used the majority of them on the least expensive things.
  13. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0
    How about each area having a smaller "swap" throughout the year and then one big "FEST" with speakers, raffles, and vendors (preferably around tax time for obvious reasons). The smaller ones could just be for hobbyist to sell their extra stuff w/o all the bells and whistles everyone has come to expect from the regular events we usually have.

    It would help solve the problem with getting raffle items 2 times a year and smaller, more frequent, less extravagant swaps would help spread the love so to speak.

    What it comes down to is we are all pretty spoiled and have become accustomed to having these huge events that tend to cause a lot of stress for the people that put them on. Back in the day we had swaps in members garages, sold corals in ziplock bags. We also used to have silent auctions for coral, those were always fun.

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is not every swap we have has to have raffles, speakers, vendors, and concessions. K.I.S.S.
  14. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Another thing that has been discussed is having only 1 speaker. They would get better attendance the show would not feel so rushed and we would save a buck or two. (not that it is about making money).
  15. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    I like the idea of smaller swaps. There's something to be said for just doing it in someone's garage, or even a smaller venue and having one large event that rotates around the state. Good ideas...
  16. Charlie B

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I was one of the people giving away my tickets because I wasn't able to stay for the raffle.  I think you may be overestimating the effect of people staying though, there were a lot of us just sitting there debating over whether to stay for the raffle or leave with about 2 hours left until the raffle.  The problem is if you can't commit for the whole event and show up late for the raffle, you've massively cut down on your coral selection.  I don't personally have a problem with the raffle being at the end, because the coral not the raffle is the big draw for me, but when the perk for being a member is free raffle tickets, it kind of defeats the purpose.
  17. Reefman

    Reefman Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It seems like there is one in Des Moines every year , which is nice for the members in Des Moines, the rest of the group in order to attend , spend a lot of time driving, Guess I have only been a member for a couple years but in that timeframe, I have not seen one in the Iowa City area..... If 1 is always in Desmoines, those chances are significantly reduced......

    It would be great start a rotation for all....
  18. SneakyPort

    SneakyPort Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    +1 for Wloo/CF area.

    I would even volunteer to find a place and get it organized. I would need some help but I would do it. I think the pavilion at NCC might be cheap and good spot. I also know I can get the butler county fairgrounds for 150. I work with guy on the fairboard. He has been trying to tell for years, we should have our fest there.
  19. MackezieJayce

    MackezieJayce New User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think 2 small one this would give more people a chance to make it and let new comers be able to experiance it also.

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