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10 gallon college tank

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Turner, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Justin S. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Pleasant Hill
    +3 / 0 / -0

    I also want to say, in his defense, the fish stores... especially PETCO... do not always explain the implications of fish choices and weigh out your aquarium environment for you.

    Fish stores don't always question the logic behind the buying choices of saltwater fish purchasers. And even when they do: Unless your at a LFS where the owner truly cares about fish wellbeing, you could go in and say:

    "I want to get this seahorse to put in my 29g tank with my Lionfish, Three striped damsel, Hawkfish, Maroon clowns, Cleaner shrimp, and I just set it all up last week!"

    A caring LFS owner may say "no way" and refuse the sale, but PETCO very likely would not refuse if you insisted.

    *** I'd also like to say sorry if some have come on harsh to you, it sounds like you were pretty proud of what you have there and having others poke sticks at you is really uncool. Sorry if thats how it seems. I can understand feeling defensive as well since I'm a young college student, any achievement outside of academics becomes a pride & joy. ***

    HOWEVER if you want to keep saltwater fish, here's my 10 cents:

    I can level with you, I started and got like two sea horses, two clown fishes, three cardinals, a cc star... and today only one remains! The cc star! The loss of life, and the fact that I have to continue knowing I killed all those fish isn't always so easy. Classic new tank overload! It went fantastic for a week. Success was short-lived, and $ was lost! Unless your willing to dump tons of money & time as I have so painstakingly done, its worth it to keep it small and always ask here before you do, you'll be shocked by how much others may be willing to help if your seriously willing to learn and have a proper heart for reef keeping...

    I think the GIRS is great, and its definitely worthwhile to join, others will help you succeed & you'll save $ too. Plus down the road you can help too and helping others always feels good!

    Let me know how things go & if your near Ames and want someone's help / need a place for your fish to refuge at some point, I've got a spare tank I can hook into my system quick!
  2. Turner


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thank you and I'm going to Grand View, currently in my final year.
    I can handle the heat I don't care about that but if this is truly a "great" site, which don't get me wrong I like it and have meet some great people, why are people attacking others? That's 3rd grade crap. Also those tank "min" requirements are for FULL grown fish, not one inch fish.
  3. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'm sorry if you got the impression I was attacking you because that was not the case. I was trying to inform you of what you may not have been informed of by the pet store, since you say they didn't even ask you what size thank you have. And if you had been like cool I didn't know, this is my plan I think others would been way more understanding... You simply responded by saying sure if someone pays me double what I did..... So to me you came off not caring. So you can see why many people made honest statements. No one here attacked you. We simply care very much for the hobby and the fish as well. And hate to see beginners go down this path.
  4. Maureen Experienced Reefkeeper

    Urbandale, IA
    +329 / 0 / -0

    I am sure if you care enough about fish to take the time to set a tank up at college that you will do your best in taking care of them. The fact that you want to have a hobby at school is admirable. I am assuming that you have tanks at home as well? Enjoy your last year at Grand View, my daughter is in her last semester at Buena Vista.
  5. Justin S. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Pleasant Hill
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I can still agree with the others, you could cool. It's because everybody here simply cares bro! [​IMG]
  6. ShaneP Well Known Hawkfish

    Williamsburg, IA
    +126 / 0 / -0
    It's obvious you think I'm attacking you, though I'm not. I wasn't being heated or angry. You read it that way I guess. I'm not poking sticks at you or tearing your head off either.

    It isn't "3rd grade crap" to tell someone they have a fish that isn't suitable for their system. To me, that is a sign of a great site, to be told, "Hey amigo, that's not a good idea." I'm not going to mince words about it, and I don't apologize for anything I've said. None of it was rude, blunt maybe, but not rude. Heck, I even said it was a nice looking tank.

    Good luck with school and your fish. I hope it works out.
  7. Eric & Amber

    Eric & Amber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    By the way I had a buddy of mine that grew a sailfin to around 9" in a 75 with over 100 lb of rock in it . I do agree with some of the comments about growth being stunted but for a few months I think the little guy will be ok just make sure you feed him good and he should thrive . As far as the ich thing goes it usually only happens when they get stressed out so if that starts I would recommend more rock so he can hide a little better . Heck if you put him in a much bigger tank at only 1" you would never see him to enjoy him . On a side note would you like a smaller light ? Lol good luck and it looks nice
  8. Turner


    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's the only light I had lol its from my 40
  9. Turner


    +0 / 0 / -0
  10. Turner


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Switched it up and sold my two fish to a friend
    Added a tank raised clown

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