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72g Bowfront Fowlr

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iadubber, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well not good news. Tonight our CO detectors started going off. Had the fire department over and something is wrong with our furnace. I'm thankful we invested in CO detectors, if not, who knows what would have happened. We had no other warnings.

    So we are going to see how much it will be to repair or replace our hvac at 715 am. If it's a full replacement I may have to sell everything I've been buying the last two months for th fowlr. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/sad.gif but we are glad to be alive.
  2. Pete H.

    Pete H. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Furnace repairs are no fun. I hope that it is not too expensive for you. Definitely glad to hear your family is alright!
  3. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Not good for us, $4250 but we get 6-700 back in rebates. We needed a furnace replacement. There were cracks inside the heat exchanger. So we just had them do the whole shebang.
  4. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    wow scary, makes me think I should have these. Our furnace isn't that old but you never know anymore I guess.
  5. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Here's what I ended up with the base rock in the tank. The live rock will probably go into the middle and make that higher.


    Should have my skimmer, heaters, and pump tomorrow or Wednesday so I can get the tank filled and cycling.
  6. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Getting so close to filling it up! Ordered an RO/DI unit today.
  7. Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    North liberty, IA
    +7 / 0 / -0
    Looks great!
  8. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    RO/DI Shipped today, sand is shipping Friday from Reefrocks.net

    Here's my box today of stuff from MD


    the Cadlights V2 1150 skimmer


    Sump construction underway. Two baffles done. One to go. Left a little extra room in the skimmer chamber to accommodate my reverse durso.

  9. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    RODI was delivered today. Going to setup my mixing station this weekend.

    My sump is done and plumbing is test fitted.


  10. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well, I haven't updated for awhile.
    I've had the tank up and cycling for almost a couple weeks now. Ammonia is going form 4ppm to .25 in 25 hours, so there's a bit to go yet.

    Here's the sump plumbed. I have the pvc mounted at least now and not just sitting there. I added an APC 1500 battery backup as well last weekend.


    Working on RO/DI storage and salt mixing station.

    Ordered an Odyssea T5HO light.

    Actinics + 10k:

    Actinics only:

    I am seeding with rubble from PA. I had 10 pounds they sent me last week that wasn't heated at all and was pretty much frozen so I lost most of it. I'm getting another delivery for free today with heat packs for sure this time. So we'll see how it goes.

    Planned Stocklist:
    2 O Clowns
    1-2 Flame Angels
    Some sort of goby
    Small CUC

    Looking for a larger showpiece type fish. Was thinking of trying a yellow or kole tang. I know if the limitations on my tank and the recommendations of a 6 foot tank for yellows, but we'll see.

    Thinking of putting in a couple easier corals.

  11. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Also working on putting an ATO together. Just trying to find a cabinet that halfway matches what I have already.
  12. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Current full setup is:
    Glass-holes 700gph overflow kit with Enkamat to quiet it down
    Glass-holes 3/4" return kit
    75 pounds of base rock
    14 pounds of LR Rubble from Premium Aquatics
    Koralia 4
    Koralia 3
    Odyssea T5HO 4 bulb light
    20 Gallon Long sump
    1 1/2" return into 2" reverse durso
    Quiet One 3000 return pump (Split with a return to the first chamber to get a little more flow in the sump)
    CadLights TIA 1150 G2 Skimmer
    IO Salt
  13. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well I haven't updated this since starting to add livestock. It's no longer a FOWLR, I have three corals now Hammer, Candy Cane, and some zoas. But here's my copy paste from RC that I posted today.
    I don't know what to think anymore. I. Just. Don't. Know.
    We lost our royal gramma. It was MIA for over 2 days. It was eating and roaming the tank for the first few days I had it. Then I didn't see it at all on Sunday or Monday. I figured it buried itself within the rocks. I moved a few rocks around and it never popped out. I searched with a flashlight before bed lastnight and didn't seen any purple or yellow.
    I woke up today and there it is laying on the sandbed dead. No signs of ich, fungus, wounds, or anything. Just lifeless swirling on the sand bed.
    I'm to the point I have no idea what to do. I've got alot of money wrapped up in this and the wife is not happy about it.
    I don't know what else to look for. I've tried 3 LFS and have had deaths from two of them so it must be something I am doing. Water tests are spot on at 0,0,11;ne month isn't a coincidence. All the fish that have died have eaten for me. The clown had ich, the beauty and RG showed no visible signs of trauma or sickness. I guess I need to invest in a QT. I have a 10G hospital tank from my freshwater days I can use to QT from now on. Seems like a racket that LFS only provide 24 hour guarantees. Maybe I'll try LA when the temps come up a bit to at least get a 14 day guarantee.  Anything else I can look for in my tank?  sorry for the rant, it's just been a disheartening last month or two. Timeline for cycle and adding fish: Cycled for 4 weeks with 50 pounds of base rock, 20 pounds of dead, and 20 pounds of live until nitrites were gone and processes 4ppm ammonia within 24 hours into nitrate. Added 5 red legged crabs, 5 blue legged crabs, one emerald, 5 snails, two clowns, one head of hammer coral and coral beauty. Coral beauty died within 4 days with no signs of illness or trauma  Added one chromis about two weeks later which is still doing good.  Older of the two clowns gets ich or brook. Pulled immediately from tank and put into QT. Died one day later.  Added one royal gramma. Died lastnight (6 days after adding to tank with no signs of illness or trauma) Yesterday added a new clown from AC&C, one candy cane frag, and one zoa frag.
  14. fishyness

    fishyness Inactive User

    +5 / 0 / -0
    The only thing I can think of that kills that fast is velvet. I too have gone thru this, don't add any more fish. I know you're looking at a new setup so it might be easier than you think to kick this. Since you did see signs of ich, it's still there. Can you get the remaining fish out easily? They will be fine in your 10g hospital tank for a short time. 
    1. Get the fish into the 10g.2. Drop the salinity (using the refractometer) gradually to 1.009.3. Its a PITA but keep this up for 5 weeks.  Keep a close watch on the salinity.You'll be glad you did this. Its the easiest and safest for your fish and it DOES work. I did it about 1 1/2 years ago and have not had any ich since.
    People are going to jump on here saying fish develop a resistance to ich, but in my experience any new fish added get attacked with a vengeance and die quickly. Ich can and will kill.
    Running the DT fallow (no fish) for this period the ich will die off on their own with no hosts.
    Good Luck!/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
  15. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the tips. This should be a good time to do that since I want to switch out my DT in the next couple of weeks.
    Now if that damn refractometer would show up that was ordered going on two weeks ago. I specifically chose a "US shipper" but they didn't even ship it for 5 days so I assume they ordered from HK and waited to get it and shipped it to me. Live and learn I suppose.
  16. mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    Most of the stores in the Dubuque area get their shipments on Wednesday, and I believe they all come from the same supplier out of Chicago. I've had 2 deaths since I started my tank in August they were a pair of saddleback clowns that I purchased the day the store got them in, one died within 24 hours the other lived for about 72 hours. If all your parameters are good it is a possibility that the stress from shipping could have played a role? I normally wait until Sunday to check stores for fish, it gives them a few days to recover from shipping. Just a thought.
  17. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Are you from Dubuque?
    Yeah I normally go to Exotic Critter Corner in Maquoketa that was on a Saturday and I lost one of those clowns and the coral beauty from there. But he mentioned he was running .017 and copper at the time.
    I also go to Bill at The Fish Shack in Manchester. I lost the RG I got on a Wednesday when he gets his deliveries. It's just hard for me to understand how these fish can live fine and eat for up to 4-5 days before keeling over.
      So if I QT all my current fish into my 10G until I get a new 75G setup do I need to feed my DT to keep ammonia and BB going?
  18. fishyness

    fishyness Inactive User

    +5 / 0 / -0
    If you just throw in enough to keep your hermits fed that should be good.
  19. mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    I am living in Dubuque now, but I am not originally from here. I've been very happy with the Corals and inverts down in Maquoketa.
    I have bought most of the cheaper fish on sale at Petco in Dubuque with a 100% survival rate. The 2 nicer fish I have are from ACC and have been doing great for months.
  20. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Cool, let me know if you start fragging I might be interested in some.
    I'll have to look more into PetCo. I usually just go there to get salt.

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