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90G with leds and apex setup FS 850/obo

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by williamh, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. williamh


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Im currently selling all of my reef stuff. I have not been maintaning this tank for awhile and have grown away from the hobby( Work, health , and financial reasons). My plan is to come back in a few years and setup the tank of my dreams. This is going to be sold as a lot, I don't want to part it out. I am asking $850/obo. Ok onto the setup. The tanks trim is cracked in a spot on the top. It has caused no problem as long as you don't have a stream of water blowing towards the top of the tank in that area, if you do you will get a drip and lots of salt creep.
     90 Gallon reef ready tank with custom stand and canopy
     30g? sump
     Coralife 125 and 220 skimmer
     Ebo jager heater
     2 Hydor k 3s
     Tunze 6055 nano stream
     Apex(not lite) W/out Ph probe
     A few random tanks 5 10 15 and a 20tall? drilled in the back for use as a refugium or frag tank
     Ice cap 250w mh ballast
     6 bulb vho retro from hellolights
     Spetrapure Ro/Di 90gpd?
    100 gallon rubbermaid trough
    And misc test kits and supplements. Half a bottle of coral Rx 4oz left
     Trio of anthias
      Pair of onyx clowns
     Kole tang
     Long nosed hawk fish
     File fish
     2x Bi-color blennies
     Kenya trees diff varieties and plent of them
      2x Green polyp toadstools
     Mohawk Palys 30+
     Raptors rainbows 15~
     And a few more varieties of PO'd zoas and palys
    15~Ricordia Florida
    A few different types of mushrooms
    Pulsing xenia
    Blue cloves
    Lots of live rock and many different types
    *** FOOD ***
    2x 70 cubes of prime reef
    3x San fransico bay brand reef plankton
    3x hikari mysis shrimp
    3x 3oz rogers reef food
    1x 5.5 oz ocean nutrition formula 1 flake food
    1x fauna marin lps food 100ml
    1x 40ml sample of fauna marin lps food
    Im sure I for got something please Pm with questions. Pictures can be seen here http://s992.photobucket.com/albums/af43/19williamh86/90g%20for%20sale/  If you want more pictures Please pm me for those also. I'm not interested in any trades. I'm including everything I find in my house thats reef related.
    Thank you,
  2. Troy

    Troy Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    pm sent
  3. williamh


    +0 / 0 / -0
    I forgot that it comes with 2 Reef fanatic 120w Led pendents w/digital timers.
  4. Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +321 / 3 / -0
    pm sent
  5. Mrs. Saltwaternewbee

    Mrs. Saltwaternewbee Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Good luck with the sale.
  6. williamh


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sale pending

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