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AJ`s Build Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AJ, May 22, 2009.

  1. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's been a long time since I've done any updates on this thread so I'll try to bring it current.  I need to get everything up by Oct 1 so that I can start cycling the tank.  I want to be able to buy new corals for it at Fall Fest.  That leaves 6 week for water cycling...which should be adequate.
    I got the black background on.  I used the standard black background (I think Penn-Plax makes it) and Sea-View to attach it.  Looks really sharp.  The acrylic for the bottom is still not yet in.  I need to trim it up a bit and have not yet made time to do so.  I was waiting on the black silicone, but that has since arrived and is ready for installation.  When I selected acrylic to go on the bottom, I didn't know about Starboard...I should have used that instead, but the money is spent now so acrylic it is.
    As for the water system (RO/DI storage and saltwater preparation), I finally finished the stand and got the RO/DI tank in place and everything with that is functioning...float valve, overflow, etc.  The RO/DI tank is plumbed into the saltwater mixing tank, (the lower tank), and off the line that connects those two tanks, there's another line that allows me to fill anything else that I need to.  This came in really handy when it came time to fill the stock tank for cooking my rocks...more on that in a bit.  The saltwater mixing tank (the lower tank) is not yet completed.  I'm working on an internal spraybar and a system that allows me to pump the water to an external hose or to the spraybar using a single pump.  I feel like the spray bar is necessary since the tank has feet molded into it and without the spray bar, could result in dead zones for mixing.  At this point, I'm getting ready to order two bulkheads to put into the top to facilitate the plumbing for this.  This is all to simplify water changes.  I'm also in the brainstorming phase of an automated water change system using my AC3, but that's going to be an improvement after the initial setup is in place and functioning.
    I got 100 lbs of dry rock from Bulk Reef Supply.  I got the Pukani rock and I'm very pleased with it.  Lots of large, interesting pieces that should make for some nice rock work.  My only concern at this point is that the rock may be too big.  My tank is only 18" front to back so I may have to break it up a little to get it just the way I need it.  Thanks to Craig, my rock is currently cooking/curing (see http://www.greateriowareefsociety.o...+Live+Rock) in his stock tank.  I have the rock in probably 50 or so gallons of saltwater with two K4 powerheads for circulation.  Since it calls for total darkness, I build a lid for the stock tank.  This also keeps from smelling up my house.  I know it's doing it's job because it stinks really bad...I'll be at a week in a few days so I'm going to be rinsing with clean water and doing a full water change in the stock tank.  As for arranging the rock, I'm still torn between using acrylic rods and portland cement.  I need to make up my mind on this soon.
    I have most of the lumber cut for my sump and equipment stand.  While my sump is only 4 feet long, I'm making the stand 8 feet long so I have places for things like calcium reactor, external pump, supplies and other stuff on each side.  I'm going to assemble it in the basement.  With it's size, I suspect that it would not be easy to move up and down the stairs.  I may have to use a sawz-all when it's time to move it out of there...but I'll worry about that later.
    I'm planning to build the sump this weekend.  I still have a few designs that I need to choose between...again, I need to make up my mind quickly for this as well.  One critical design component for the sump is allowing for the sump to handle the in-motion water during a power outage scenario.  This includes both the water in the pipes and the water in that tank that's will flow into the overflow.  For this, I've been using volume formulas to calculate volume in the pipes and estimating the amount of water in the tank.  I was surprised that the amount of water in the pipes is much less than I anticipated.  For example, assuming that it's completely full, 30 feet of water in 1.5" PVC is only about 2.75 gallons (pi*radius in. squared*length in.)/231= x gallons.  So that factors out to (3.14159*.5625*360)/231 which is 2.754 gallons.  Now assuming that there is 1/2" of water above the top of the overflow, that adds about 1.875 additional gallons (90/24)*.5 so I need to allow for a minimum of 5 additional gallons of water.  Give it a healthy buffer and I think I'll allow for 7-8 gallons of additional water in a power out scenario.  I'll have to figure out a design that allows for that while still maximizing my water volume and not allowing undesirable things to happen when at high water (for example, fish in refugium getting into pump area, etc.)
    As for the plumbing between upstairs and downstairs, that should be pretty easy.  Everything is going to be 1.5" PVC.  I'm making it bigger than I need so if I upgrade later, the same plumbing will be able to accomodate increased water flow both to and from the tank.
    There is still lots to do...and time is running short so the updates will be coming more frequently as I get more done.  I've been taking pictures along the way, so I'll be uploading them soon and inserting them later.
    As always, please let me know your thoughts...if you think I'm forgetting something, making a mistake by doing things a certain way, etc.  I value your feedback.  Thanks!
  2. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Whaaaat? No pics?
  3. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yeah AJ this cant be a build thread if there are no pics!!! LOL
  4. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Here's some pics of the dry rock that I got.  I'm really happy with it.  Mainly larger pieces that I will be able to break down to smaller pieces of I need to.  I threw a plastic ruler in there so that you can get an idea of the size.
    Here's my shelf for the water storage tanks.  The shelf is done.  I hid some of the plumbing between the tanks inside the shelf itself and attached a threaded spigot to fill other things.  I used it for filling the stock tank.
    Here's the stock tank with the rock, powerheads and heater in place.  All set to start the cooking process...
    Same thing after one week.  It's time to do the first weeks water change.  The water has developed a tea like color and is really strong smelling.  Glad I had a lid on that thing!  The rock is also getting more of a brown color to it too.
    I took all of the rock out of the stock tank.  I put in a Diet Pepsi can to show scale
    Here's the first bucket of water that I removed from the stock tank.  Really has a green tea look to it.
    Here's the last little bit of water from the stock tank.
    It's so nasty that this 5 gallon bucket is only about 1/2 full and you can't even see the bottom....and the odor was horrible!
    Filled back up again for week 2...
  5. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You got some monster sized ones. Each piece looks really good.

    Nice pics.
  6. snowman82

    snowman82 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    i didn't know it had to be completely dark to cure....i need to turn my light off haha
  7. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    This is my first time thru this so I'm no expert, but I read that it's supposed to help kill off the nuisance algae.  Good luck and let me know how yours turns out.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    no lights will help it cure faster, wow AJ that rock you got looks GREAT! About how many lbs did you order to get those larger pieces. I think I know where I'll be getting the rest of my rock.
  9. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I ordered 100 lbs; shipped weight was 112. They add extra for breakage but there was virtually none....certainly not 10 lbs worth. I bet if you just ask them for larger pieces, they will send you what you want. BRS seems to be very accommodating to special requests...I think in part just due to the size of their company.

  10. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I did another water change on the rocks yesterday. The stuff does not smell nearly as bad as it did the first time. I also did a fun little side project; setting up a quarantine tank. It's a 20L and blacked out all but one side. Speaking of blacked out, I also trimmed the acrylic to fit the bottom of my display tank and got it siliconed in last night. It looks great...just what I was hoping for. The sump is still not done and neither is the sump stand. So many things to do before winter that I've found myself working outside more than I have inside.

  11. Gered

    Gered Experienced Reefkeeper

    +2 / 0 / -0
    Well I can lend a helping hand but I am not cheap. Just ask Troy haha
  12. Troy

    Troy Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am still willing to help any weekend that you want to start working on the sump.
  13. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the offer Troy!  Maybe this coming weekend.  I'm getting the glass cut this week so I should be ready this weekend.
  14. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    A few new things to add to this...I got my full union ball valves for my return pump and two media reactors for GFO and carbon, a Level Loc ATO and some acrylic rods. I think the only thing left that I need is the glass cut for my sump baffles. I'm going to use some glass that I got from another tank and have the local glass shop cut it. Otherwise, each baffle would cost me about $17 (well over $100 total). More expensive than I thought they would be. If they use my glass, then it's just $2 per cut. I'll grind the edges myself using my Dremel and a diamond bit.

    Tonight I do another water change on the rocks...at least that part is still on schedule.

  15. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well, Iowa Glass should get to my job tomorrow morning (after waiting a week!). Here's hoping that the glass cuts right and I don't have to worry about buying new due to breakage. The silicone arrived and is waiting so I'll be ready to place the glass when it's done. I have a few diamond bits for my Dremel coming (should arrive tomorrow) so that I can grind the edge off of the baffles so I don't have to worry about cutting myself when I work on the sump; both during the assembly and general maintenance. That was going to be about $40 or $50 to get Iowa Glass to do that for me. I'm using this sump design (thanks to those that provided feedback).

    I got the double union bulkheads ready for installing the pump...those suckers are HUGE! One is 2" and the other is 1 1/2". I also have the internal elbow and screen for the return pump ready to be installed. When the sump is built, everything will come together.

    Anyone know where I can buy spa-flex by the foot? I wouldn't mind getting a few feet of 2" spa-flex that I can use to attach the sump bulkhead to the return pump. I'd like to take the strain off of the glass if things are not perfectly level. I have some sheets of cork that I'm going to put under the pump to help shim it to the right level and keep the pump quiet but the extra flexibility would be a good thing to have.

    The canopy now has a fresh coat of glossy white marine grade paint inside and all of the lighting fixtures were given a good cleaning to make sure I get good reflectivity and to clean off any salt spray.

    Rock should be ready to go in the tank this weekend so I'll be doing a little rock-scaping. I won't have the sump done or the plumbing hooked up to it so I'm just going to cap the tubes that I attach the bulkheads and put in a few powerheads, a heater and stuff in the display for now. I think that about sums it up for now. I should have lots of pics from all the activity this weekend.

  16. Box


    +0 / 0 / -0
    I know Lowes sells spa tubing by the foot, Personally I love the stuff works great. Gratz on the nice build so far, looking forward to more pics.
  17. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the heads up.  I live really close to a Menards so I don't get to Lowes very often so I'm not as familiar with what they have.  I'll check it out on my lunch hour tomorrow.
  18. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I got the glass all siliconed into the sump. One tube of silicone, seven pieces of glass and a whole lot of painters tape later, here's what I have:


    All I need to do to finish this is clean up a bit of the silicone and drill the end for the return pump bulkhead.

  19. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I got my hole saw today so that I can drill my sump...it started off great, then it shattered. Tempered glass. I feel like a poster child for Murphy's Law.


  20. Gered

    Gered Experienced Reefkeeper

    +2 / 0 / -0
    What size tank was it?

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