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Any one going to Fragtober fest in Bloomington,IL saturday?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Uncle Carl, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Depending on where you are in Iowa.... it isn't a bad drive.......Fragtoberfest 2011, October 8rd 11am    Bloomington, IL 61705
    Vendors Woos AquaticsDirk  The Coral Nut  Captain's Corals  Jim's Reef  Paul's Corals    Eye Candy Coral   Midwest Saltwater   No Brown Corals
    Reef Nutrition      Pacific East Aquaculture
    RAFFLE PRIZES Two MH twin-arc bulbs from ReefBrite Two refugium setups and supplements from CaribSea Three buckets of Royal Nature Sea Salt from Reef Wholesale Coral epoxy putty from Deltec Coral frag plugs from The Alternate Reef Supplements from Fritz Aquatics Sea salt and bio calcium from Tropic Marin Dr Tim's Natural boosters and supplements Purple Up from CaribSea Reefkoi gift card $50Dr Foster's and Smith Gift Card $25Tunze turbelle nanostream 6015 and Power Magnet 220.54Aquatic Life expandable 48" LED lightsAqueon Foods and SupplementsCoralife Super Skimmer with Needle Wheel Technology (65G) and Mini Aqualight 11" T5Dual Lamp Fixture Marineland Reef capable LED light fixture MORE COMING IN
    From I 55, Exit 160 Market Street, go West 1/2mile on the right. (Just past Walmart and Tractor Supply) We'll be in the Community Room Building to the Left-4pm presented by BNARC Interstate Center, 2301 West Market . Look for the signs!
  2. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0
    If my tank was cycled I would probably be going.
  3. Just an update, pacific east can't make it. Jason Fox will now be setting up! Just like at MACNA lots of last minute donations to the raffle. Should be some very high quality corals....some of the BNARC members specialize and share at great prices at the octoberfest.
  4. Just got back from watching Jason Fox set up his frag tank.....very nice....very tempting corals and I heard he brought more frags than he had at MACNA. Timing is everything when you are growing corals....If you like them they are here now Lots of new raffle prizes arrived today .
    Interstate Center, 2301 West Market , Bloomington,IL .From I 55, Exit 160 Market Street, go West 1/2mile on the right. (Just past Walmart and Tractor Supply) We'll be in the Community Room Building to the Left-from 11 am. to 4pm. Look for the signs!


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