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bearded dragons

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Zachstankostosmall, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Zachstankostosmall Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Quad cities
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I have 2 bearded dragons that I am thinking of parting with since upgrading to there current home I bought them about a year ago from AE same time but one is like 4 times bigger even tho they where the same size when I got them......not sure if I will get ride of them but if so they will have a red light, heat lamp, a small and a large heat pads,and a 48inch reptile bulb, large rock style water dish and a small one I use for vegs.....would like to trade to a good home for equipment or livestock so if interested just send me a email at zwhite87@yahoo.com thanks
  2. Zachstankostosmall Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Quad cities
    +1 / 0 / -0
    O ya this has a little to do with sumone telling me I have 2 many pets and hobbies. They would also come with calcium powder vitamin powder a rock and a climbing log and green carpet for a 6ft tank
  3. Zachstankostosmall Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Quad cities
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Also have a lid for a 6ft tank folds in the middle...am open to ideas on trades just let me know!!!!thank you
  4. HippieGolfWear

    HippieGolfWear Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    you do have to many pets.
  5. Zachstankostosmall Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Quad cities
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Open to any trade offers

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