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Biocube 29 PC lighting to LED lighting... all done! (with pics)

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by jimmy_beaner, May 20, 2011.

  1. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    Wired up the driver when I got home.  Unfortunately, NO WHERE around here seems to sell potentiometers that are capable of supporting the power of these drivers.  (I'm only powering 19 LEDs with 2 drivers...).  So, they aren't quite "all done", but all the rest can be done once the lights are in the tank.  I have it set up so all the wires are external to the tank.  I can wire in the potentiometers and the other driver no problem.  I'm only worried about all the lights kicking on at once.  They were at under 3V in the pics, I had to run all 19 of them off one driver, fortunately it worked.
    I'm debating throwing them in the hood tomorrow and then I can get some in tank pics.  The color blending is great, no banding.  I'm worried about them being "too intense" for the corals without the potentiometer being able to dim them until I get it wired in (which requires purchasing it).
  2. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    What type of drivers are you using? If you're using the EL60-48D, you dim it with a 10V power supply and a 10K potentiometer which you can get at radio shack.
  3. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    With the mean well drivers I wasn't able to get any power to the lights WITHOUT a potentiometer myself.

    Nice build. Have you set it over the water yet? Looks amazing!
  4. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    I'm using a dimmable driver.  No power supply needed.  In fact, I wired the two leads that go to/from the potentiometer together in order to bypass it (run full power) for it to work.  And btw, the Radio Shack in Coralville said their potentiometer wasn't anywhere near able to handle the driver.  If that's not true, I'll have this done tomorrow morning!  Any input?  This has a 10v output to the potentiometer, then the return wire is 1-10v depending on what it's set at.
  5. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    LOL, Whoever you talked to at Radio Shack has no idea what they are talking about... V = I * R. In other words, if you have a 10V power supply and a 10K pot, there is only 1mA of current flowing through the pot. Any 10K pot they sell will be able to handle that with no problem.
    I have a 3 channel dimmer that I built with a 10K power supply and 3 10K pots from Radio Shack.
    With that said, what driver are you using?   The meanwell 60-48D does require a 10V power source for dimming.   The 60-48P uses pulse modulation rather than voltage.   I'm not sure how the Buck Puck drivers handle it.
  6. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    I'm using the EUC-040S070DS.  38 Watts, 18-54 VDC output (though I measured 56.4 with my meter... better safe than sorry!), and current output of 0.14-0.7A. 
    I have lost my faith in anyone at RadioShack.  I've never used a potentiometer, so I figured to error on the side of caution.  Last week, I asked for an AC to DC converter and he sold me an AC - AC adapter.  I called before I got home.  I ended up cutting apart a phone charger to test all my connections in pairs of 4 so I wouldn't have any surprises with the drivers.  And fortunately, I didn't... it fired up the first time I flipped the switch.
  7. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Cool, I've never heard of that driver. I just looked at the spec sheet and it actually provides the 10V source (yellow lead). The max current for the dimming control is 1ma, so they recommend using a 20K potentiometer (again, available at Radio Shack) which would result in a current of .5 mA.

    Here's the whole spec sheet: http://cn.inventronics-co.com/uploads/DS-EUC-040SxxxDS%2020110114%20E.pdf


  8. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    wonderful... I'll pick up a pair tomorrow. The LED build was silly easy, the only thing I was disappointed with is that there isn't a "plug and play" driver for dimming. That is, you just turn a knob on the driver and power goes up/down.
  9. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    The drivers you are using are a lot more "Plug and Play" than most. The inclusion of the 10V supply in the driver and the max output of .7A simplifies things a lot. The only down side to that driver is that it can only push XP-E's to 70% of their max current (less than 50% for XP-G's), but that's probably not an issue for a nano build. The mean-well drivers are a bit more work to deal with, but overall they are all pretty easy...
  10. Patrick

    Patrick Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Very nice! Very nice indeed sir! This thread felt like de ja vu when I first came across it...

  11. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    oh yeah...? I'm also using XM-Ls, which can be pushed to 3A.... I can always swap in a different driver if I decide they aren't enough.  Though I figured the light acclimation is going to take a long time, I don't know that I'll be looking at any SPS, though I'm sure the LEDs will make the RBTA happier.  And yes, I posted it on ReefCentral also.  Amazing how many more replies I get on here than that huge site... /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
  12. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I didn't know this was an option. Good to know! /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif (I have the same drivers as you - the dimmable meanwells, right? EDIT: Nevermind. Seems we have different drivers. I assumed you were using the meanwells)
  13. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    Maybe I got lucky with the bypass. I just assumed it needed connected for the circuit to work, so I did. I'm wiring everything else in right now
  14. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Nah, you probably didn't. I assumed you had the same driver as I did (which I am pretty sure requires the 1-10v dimmer signal), but you seem to have a different driver. Hope to see more pics when everything is done. How are you mounting it?
  15. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    I just finished wiring/soldering everything into place. Works perfectly. I'm mounting it INSIDE the stock Biocube 29 hood, where the stock PC lights mount. This will allow me to utilize the stock fans for cooling, provide a splash shield for the lights and help prevent salt creep. The lighting fixture has 4 rubber feet that will contact the plastic PC light shield. I'm at the point where I'm ready to make it all fit into the hood.
  16. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I like the rubber feet idea. It that a "just in case" step or are the lights actually the close to the stock splash shield? I just mounted mine into the stock drilled holes (well, I use a piece of scrap acrylic as a spacer) and the lights don't come any nearer to the shield than the stock PCs did.
  17. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    they will sit off of it around 1/4" or so. I don't foresee any problems from that. I have just finished putting all the wires into conduit tubing. Time to take some "Before" shots of the tank
  18. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    Alright, I should update this thread!
    Here's the lighting all done.
    Camera settings (IIRC) - ISO 100, f/5.0 (crappy lens, but better for wide angle), 1/3 second shutter
    Yes, I realize I have a little cyano going on up front... that'll have to be taken care of soon.
    Modifying the stock hood for the larger wiring...
    I also trimmed some of the plastic shield for wiring to exit.
    Lighting test!
    And... After (yes, it was this easy) just throwing the hood back on.
    Camera settings - ISO 100, f/5.0, 1/40th second (IIRC).  This is on the lowest setting for the Crees.
    And some actinic just for good measure.
  19. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    Oh! I almost forgot... the stock hood fans work just fine.
  20. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey man, looks great. I see where you went a different path from me. You left all the innars of the old lighting system in there. May I ask what your reasoning was?

    Also, what kind of camera are you using? I was just using an Android phone to take pics but they came out looking like crap!

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