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Blue Zoo or Liveaquaria order?

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by dead fish, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    Keep the orders coming. The deadline is coming this Sunday night to get the order and funds to me.
    - Nick
  2. dead fish Dead Fish

    Iowa City
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Argh. Wish I hadn't spent the money I was going to spend on this order a bunch of fish that died in the first day or so after I put them in my tank. I'm done supporting local shops.
  3. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    Just a reminder to everyone interested, we hit free shipping, and we are getting closer to the cut-off of Sunday night for all orders being sent to me and money paid prior to LiveAquaria closing (I would suggest no later than 9:00 pm).

    If you are looking for Diver's Den items, you can start adding those Saturday (tomorrow). Thanks.
  4. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    Add another order to the list tonight. We are a little over $350 in livestock! Not yet up to the $450+ from January, but a very nice order.
    - Nick
  5. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0

    It is just a little past 6:00 pm on Sunday, and the order is getting closed out first thing tomorrow for delivery on Tuesday.

    This is the "last call" to get anything else added to the order. I would rather get things on the order tonight, and LiveAquaria's phone sales close at 8:00 pm.

    So if you have been teetering on the fence about getting something, now is your chance. Shipping is free due to the volume of sales we have already on this order, and you get a 14 day (great) warranty on things.

    Shoot me a PM with your order and I will get back to you as quickly as possible with payment and contact info.

  6. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    And it is now closed out for shipping today and receiving tomorrow.

    The ironic thing is that none of my items are in stock today, and while there is a slight chance that something might come in, I don't think that I will be getting any of my order tomorrow. Oh well.

    We beat the total value of my last CR/IC order from January. Total was almost $515 vs. $450 from January.

    Here is the breakdown of the items that were ordered:
    Eibli Angelfish
    Coral Beauty (Fiji) Angelfish
    2x Flame Angelfish
    2x Firefish
    2x Purple Firefish
    Cleaner Wrasse
    Lubbock fairy Wrasse
    3x Kauderns Cardinalfish
    Catalina Goby
    2x Huchtii Anthias
    Royal Gramma
    4x Lemon Chromis
    Banded Coral Shrimp
    13x Nerite Snails
    12x Nassarius Vibex snails

    21 fish, 1 shrimp, and 25 snails. Not bad.

    I think that I gave my address and phone number out to those that ordered, but if not, send me a PM.

    Thanks everyone who ordered Some of you will now get to see my nasty 120 tank (and all of it's diatom greatness right now). I'm so embarrassed.
  7. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    Just FYI that everything shipped! Nothing looks to be backorder which is great!
    - Nick
  8. jstngates Experienced Reefkeeper

    Toledo Iowa
    +40 / 1 / -0
    Who got the catalina goby? I want it.
  9. Lee

    Lee Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Aren't catalina gobies coldwater?
  10. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    They are cooler water, but we had one on the group order last time too, and I don't think that the person that time had a cooler tank. No, it isn't mine.
    - Nick
  11. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    Just a quick update for those wondering, but as of 10:50am the shipments have been stuck in Memphis, TN due to the storms here in Iowa and down there. I called FedEx and they are putting some sort of special alert on the packages to make sure that they are marked as "Live Fish" in their system. Not sure what that will do for us, but we'll see.

    I will send out individual texts when things get here. I will do everything that I can to make sure that the bags are floating to warm up, and the fish have a chance to "un-stress" from their travel.
  12. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    The saga continues. (People in on the group- buy were already notified of this earlier today by me.)
    So everything ships out yesterday, and makes it to Memphis (FedEx hub) and gets stuck there. Not just our order but most of the orders for the Midwest and eastern part of the US. LiveAquaria was calling people about the situation, but when nothing showed up, I beat them to it and called FedEx myself. FedEx blamed a Mechanical failure leaving LAX airport, but tracking shows our order getting to Memphis last night at about 11pm which is un-line with the group order from January and when it got to Memphis.
    I know we had some storms here in CR overnight and mid-morning, but they never gave me "weather" as a reason.
    Anyway, I know that LiveAquaria will take care of us, but it isn't their fault that FedEx dropped the ball.
    I still have the shipment coming tomorrow per FedEx's and LiveAquaria's recommendation. I wonder how much of it will survive.
    Until tomorrow....
    - Nick
  13. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    Wish I had seen this... I was just going to post up a thread asking about a LiveAquaria order for a Yasha Goby. Maybe I'll wait a little bit.
  14. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    No worries. Hey, if we do end up with DOA stuff and get a reshipment, we can add items to it at that time as well and get free shipping again. We did that last time too.
  15. jstngates Experienced Reefkeeper

    Toledo Iowa
    +40 / 1 / -0
    That's why I haven't gotten s catalina before because I saw it was cold water. Let me know how it goes.
  16. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    So the shipment got here today around 9:30-9:45 (I was so anxious that I didn't look at the time).

    I cut open both boxes and they smelled "ripe" I had little hope. I started with the smaller of the two boxes and wow, everything was alive and seemed to be doing well. That was promising.

    I moved on to the larger box and the first thing I pulled out was my DOA Eibli angel. Next was a DOA coral banded shrimp, then the DOA catalina goby. I was losing hope. Then every other bag had something alive in it! Whew. Not a total loss.

    I do have a coral beauty that isn't doing so well though. He has been acclimating for about an hour now and is just lying on the bottom of the acclimation bucket breathing heavy. He was the worse looking, non-DOA item we had. Everything else looks very healthy.

    Funny note, the two flame angels on the order (one is mine) were the most active in their bags. One was acting like he was ready to be out of the bag (fluttering around enough that I heard him when I opened the 2nd box). I decided that I would keep him of the two so that I could get him out of the bag. He is swimming around in his acclimation bucket like he is as happy as could be.

    Now to get all of the people that ordered stuff here so that these critters have a fighting chance for survival since they are all still in their sealed bags.
    (Yes, notification went out to everyone already.)
  17. mfisher


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Any of our local stores could get anything on that list.
  18. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    True. Not to get into a debate about local (NOT including places like Petco, but real LFS) vs. online but when doing a large group purchase online you can get better prices with free shipping, and a 2 week "no questions asked" guarantee. None of the LFS offer any guarantee.

    I do support my LFS when possible. Heck I even had a fairly common butterfly fish on order with one of the popular LFS here. After a month of them still not being able to get it, I canceled the order. LiveAquaria had it in stock the entire time and we all know that LA just gets their stuff from Quality Marine in Los Angeles which is a major distributor for fish all across the country, so it isn't like it is coming from an online vendor's private stock.

  19. sharkks

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I did not end up ordering...prices shot up, i found one of my items at the lfs, and had some personal distractions but I am amazed at how much work you put into this. You showed me the ropes and to see the effort that goes into receiving the order is really impressive. Just...wow.
  20. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0
    So everything was picked up and even my "I think it is dead" coral beauty recovered. I mean, this thing was just laying in the bottom of the acclimation bucket, not moving. Jstngates agreed with me that he thought it was dead too when he came to get his stuff. I was literally about to flush the fish, when it fluttered in the bucket. At this point, it had been acclimating for about 2 hours, no need to acclimate any longer, so I put it into one of teh quarantine tanks. Fast forward to about 3:30 pm, and it is just laying on the bottom, breathing heavy. Then, all of a sudden, bam... It is up and swimming. My flame eat like a pig last night, but I don't expect the coral beauty to eat until this afternoon after work.

    I did add some API Stress Coat Marine to both the acclimation buckets and the QTs to try to reduce any additional toxins that the fish had in their systems from the long trip. Not sure if it made a difference, but it sure didn't hurt.

    Sharkks, what were you looking at that the prices shot up on? Their prices are very consistant in my experience. I know that some species have selections that come from different regions and may have different costs (like I got the medium coral beauty from Fiji for $30 and not the medium coral beauty from Indonesia for $17). Depending on when you were looking, maybe a specimin from a different region came up. Just a thought.

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