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Blue Zoo or Liveaquaria order?

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by dead fish, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. sharkks

    +1 / 0 / -0
    The main thing I was looking at was a blue tang and diamond goby and both were on a super special so were something like 10 dollars off. No big deal at all...like I said if life hadn't interrupted and forced me to deal with a few other things I would have still ordered. I am sure I will get in on a future order. I have some hair algae breaking out so I should probably get that under control before adding bio load anyway.

    Glad the fish are recovering!
  2. Shayna

    Shayna Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Glad your coral beauty revived! The one I got from our last order disappeared just recently. It hid for the most part and never really adapted. It must have had something more going on than being shy, but I have a very peaceful tank and don't believe it was bullied. Nonetheless, it was a sad loss. They're beautiful!

    I was the one that ordered a zebra catalina goby in the last order and it's doing fantastic. It comes out the most in the evening when the actinic only timer comes on, and it's blue stripes glow. It's a favorite. I have some things I want to mention about that though. I keep my tank much cooler than most people, mainly to keep my corals from growing really rapidly. My tank is between 72-74 degrees. There is a difference between a zebra catalina and a catalina. The zebra catalina does ok in temps up to 75, but the catalina goby needs even cooler water, upper 60s preferably. I did quite a bit of research before giving in and allowing my son to get the zebra catalina. I also have a chiller on my tank, so if it's crazy hot again this summer, I can be sure to keep my tank from getting much above 75. If whoever got the catalina goby keeps it in normally reef temps, it will not live more than a couple months from my research.

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