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breaking down reef

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by rockinsmall, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Maureen Experienced Reefkeeper

    Urbandale, IA
    +329 / 0 / -0

    Too bad you have to tear apart your tank. At least it is for a good cause, I really admire the work you are doing!
  2. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    thanks. my perspectives on life have changed so much after seeing how others are forced to live. I dont have the money to change peoples circumstances, but I hope to have enough to sustain myself (pay my student loans) while working for free in India helping food programs and child welfare. Hard to believe a 70 year old man can still buy/marry a 7 year old girl. THIS is what I want to fight. however, I will start with the food program as its hugely funded, but so badly corrupted that the money never reaches the starving, but fat cats are stuffing it in their pockets... rich getting filthy rich while half the population starves bc their aid money is stolen. I will do what I can to help.... hopefully do this my entire life.
  3. violet21chewy Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Des Moines area
    +46 / 0 / -0
    Hey Lindsey-so sorry to hear you are getting out. To think I've known you since you were a newbie! Good luck with your future endevours. Where are you in Korea? Eat lots of good food for me.

  4. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Percula clown pair ($30)

    Purple tang ($125)

    Yellow tang ($25)

    Blue hippo tang ($35)

    Pyramid butterfly ($35)

    Pair of harlequin shrimp ($40 for the pair)

    Fire shrimp ($20 each)

    Peppermint shrimp ($5 each)

    Any wrasse ($20)

    any flower anemones ($15)

    rose bulb anemone ($25)

    serpant starfish ($10)

    hermit crabs and snails are free

    Please message me directly if u wish to purchase the fish. However you must be able to get them on April 1st.
  5. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey Su! It is pretty wild... you realize that was in 2002, so we've been reefin a long time! you gave Nick and I our first generous load of frags! I can still remember how excited and giddy him and I were to get those corals in our tank. And I can still 100% clearly see the pico you had in your office at work. Nick and I were simply fascinated by that tiny little ecosystem! Ahhh good times!

    This isn't the last of me, however! I'm not selling the sand/rock/tank/equipment... b/c I have come to terms that I cannot quit reefin. We ALWAYS come back.. and this time I am saving the start up costs! =)

  6. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    I will take the blue hippo and anemone. I can not pm from phone.
  7. Trumpetytrump


    +1 / 0 / -0
    I will take the purple tang! Been searching for one for ever! When could I go pick up? Can as early as today if someone will be there. Might also take any wrasse you have if I could find out what kinds.
    Let me know.
  8. Trumpetytrump


    +1 / 0 / -0
    Will take the yellow tang too and any hermit/snails u are ok to part with.
    Thanks greatly
  9. Kenny_R

    Kenny_R Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I plan on being there Monday April 1st at 6:30 pm. Can you pm the address? Also, do you have any idea for prices of corals and size? Just looking for an idea of what's available.

  10. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Han was first to reserve these fish:
    Blue hippo
    Yellow tang
    Pyramid butterfly
    Harlequin pair
    Rose bulb

    Trumpetytrump is pending on the purple tang- i need to know that you can make the date time and location.

    As for the crabs and snails - i hope you can all kinda share these. its nice to see everyone get a lil something free.

    I will post phone numbers and addresses as soon as everything is confirmed.

    Please don't come earlier than 6:30.... I want everyone to have a fair and equal chance at corals. This also helps to be sure things arent terribly low balled.

    I wish so so badly that I could tell u what is in there and the size. If I knew.. I'd be happier than you could imagine...
    My motto was- if it doesnt stand out from 20 feet away- then I didn't want it. Everything had to be naturally crazy amazing in color or i had no desire to keep it.

    I can only tell you that most everything were either medium to large frags of HIGH END sps
    I had small and medium colonies of nice bright colored sps.
    i had several blue and hot pink mini carpet anemones
    lime green flower anemone
    several sweet gorgonians- bright purple
    3-4 frogspawn variations and colors- most with 10 + heads
    a number of rainbow acans
    i have some crazy orange frilly fussy shrooms- and id like that rock to sell for no less than $60... I paid $60 for a single shroom and by time i left there were 10 of them. They rested in the far bottom left of the tank towards the front.

    i didnt have any monster colonies at all. i tend to keep things small so i could have a massive diversity. I had counted over 300 various corals and frags.

    Ninjazx will be taking my florescent orange echinata and my lime green favia... so if i ever return to USA i can have these back (he's not being charged for them)

    if every living thing does sell on April 1st... and if you could spare the time, perhaps some of you could volunteer a few minutes to help completely drain the tanks water. At that time...... the lights will go out, the pumps will not run, and the tank will be closed up.

    No- i'm not selling any sand or live rock or a single piece of equipment (but all frozen food can be sold by donation (you choose what you wish to contribute)) and i had a lot of rods food! anything that can expire can be sold.
    Sps can be broken off at its base and anemones can easily be chisled off a rock... I wish to keep my life rock for the future b/c its darned expensive and i had picked every piece in there.
  11. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Trumpetytrump has confirmed he can come get the purple tang...

    Thanks folks.... I'd just like to all go smoothly and for every live critter to find a wonderful home.

    the clowns and shrimp still need a hope and i think they are well priced, arent they?

  12. Purplhayes27

    Purplhayes27 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If anyone from the Des Moines area would be willing to transport the clowns... I have a great tank for them. Anyone willing? I would meet up n give you the money for them ahead of time.
  13. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Good news friends. Everyone has commited to date and time. So... Matt was my maintinance guy and Jan is my super adorable mom. She will accept the money and be of any help u need. Word of warning.... Mom thinks a single drop on water on the carpet will cause the utter destruction of her entire house. Lol. I am.sure she ill have towels but forgive her if she is anxious and nervous. She really is as sweet as pie. Her cell phone number is 402-203-8622 and i think the house number is 402-203-0225 The house address is 852 McKenzie Ave. Council Bluffs Iowa 51503. Please bring your own bags. Also.. As i stated before, id love to see every coral and fish sold. After everything has a new owner, if you wish to help further it would be a great kindness to assist Matt on draining the tank and cleaning pumps. if you wish to correspond with me directly you can do so for free via a smart phone. You can download the app called Kakao Talk. Its free. You use it the same as text messaging. My user name is rockinsmall. Add me and we can chat. Plus you should have Kakao anyhow so u never ever have to pay for textibg again! Please let me know of any questions or concerns. Best to u all. Happy reefing.
  14. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Also. I want everyone to have fair chance at purchases. I dont want for someone to say they want all of it. Take turns and discuss the value. If one person is willing to pay 10 bucks but someone else thinks its worth more and wants it.... Well..id rather get 20 for it. But.... I dont even know whats in there anymore. I paid 75 buvks for a 2 headed rainbow acan. If it looks hot still.. Then id take 50 for it. If it looks like a big turd.. Well than maybe 15 bucks is more a ppropriate. But if most of thecorals look like crap, know this, it is guarenteed to be an absolute gem once back to health. Bc i refused to have anything less than amazing in the tank.s
  15. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    This is just a bump to make sure everyone that wanted to come over has read my above two posts and got all the info. =)

    also.... if anyone would take one last photo of what the tank looked like before it was shut down, id appreciate it.... i had such amazing corals, id love to see that they were in good shape and had grown /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/satisfied.gif
  16. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Soooooo.... I got a message from Ninjazx letting me know what kind of condition my once glorious reef tank was. Before i left i counted nearly 300 different speciest of corals or frags and anemones.. Everything was vibrant and thriving. This is why i didn't take it down. My hard work and $$ investment showed clearly. It was just too perfect to take down. As I was made aware that everything was great in my reef. I was told a clam died. I had stopped getting updates months ago. At one point my mother, who is clueles to these things, said my maitinance guy had taken a few corals that didnt look stellar home to give them special attention. As it turns out, my tank was actually a big bowl of trash. Never had i been notified there was even a problem. This is a punch in the gut.

    But, I would like to apologize for anyone who feels they wasted time and money. I am sick about this. I don't really know how to take this news. I can imagine you all can identify with my shock and dismay and I know you understand. I hope dearly that you guys were able to walk away with items and that you are happy in spite of lack of healthy and plentiful corals....

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