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Broken Filter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nanotank10, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. On my 29 gal reef tank, for filtration i've been running an Aquatic life 115 mini-internal protein skimmer, a penguin 200 bio wheel power filter, sand and 30+ lbs of live rock. I'm also using 2 koralias, one 240 and a 425gph powerheads.

    Yesterday, the power filter (only thing in it is a bag of carbon) stopped working so I took it out and thouroughly cleaned the inside and motor, and it worked, only to wake up the following morning to find it unresponsive yet again. What do I do, do I even need to be running a filter? the skimmer seems to be doing a decent job (when it's working correctly). Should I simply toss the filter and instead make a HOB fuge out of another one I have laying around? or should I find another filter, upgrade the skimmer, ect.? Sump is out of the question.. all input is greatly appreciated, thanks!

  2. MJB Tanks Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Pleasant Hill, IA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I had a 29g reef for about two years running only a skimmer and it was very healthy. I had a CPR backpack.
  3. Well that's good news, I think I may just do that, but an upgrade on the skimmer is a need for sure. Upon further review, i'm trying to decide which of these two I should get.
    (2 clowns, 1 messy jawfish, lots of soft, alot of LPS and a little SPS) noise is also something to take into consideration seeing as how the tank is in our dining room.
    These are the two that look most promising, unless anyone has another idea of something that would work better under for under 200..

  4. the aquamaxx has a lower profile. would be sweet if they came with a decibal reading
  5. Ya, that's the only real advantage I'm seeing on it compared to the CPR.. but nor sure if the aquqmaxxworks as well, opinions from someone who has used either?

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